
I had a similar thought!

Right wing KoolAid drinkers still believe Saddam kicked out the inspectors- LOL!!

It was NATO at the insistence of the Tush Administration that wanted to shut down inspections so they could start sucking the oil out of the ground. Funny how you never saw anarchy anywhere near the oil fields, hmmm.... security where it's needed most, first.

Corporate criminals such as Halliburton, Bechtel, KBR, and all the oil companies have been suckling at the teat of Iraq for 8 years now, and that gravy train ain't ending anytime soon.

All that oil ends up on the open market, and never benefitted us, or the cost of the war one cent. It was a fascist Tush Administration lie of the highest degree. The Rethuglicans and the Democrats sat on their hands and allowed this illegal attack and occupation of a sovereign nation to go ahead unabated.