This is nothing new. People have worshipped Ishtar, Anu, Enlil, Enki, Allah, Osiris, Amon-Re, Amon, Yahweh, Shiva, Zeus, Tlaloc, Isis, Ra, Poseidon, Rama, Odin

Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
Quote: "Any intelligent, thinking person faced with this reality won't touch religion with a barge pole."

Your President believes in God.

Quote: "You don't have mega-churches in other nations like you do here."

Yeah and thats what makes this country great, if you don't like it, I'll extend the same invitation you did to me, Leave. I like all the churches here in this country, we need more of them. Put an active church on every block in Detroit and it wouldn't look like it does. Know that.

Quote: "But to the point that it influences our public policy, this is where the "believers" need to take a step back, and remember that we are a secular society, and have separation of church and state, and never shall they meet. Religion by it's nature is exclusive, and prejudicial. I'd rather not be at the mercy of a law enforcement officer or judge who believes in "the rapture" or in talking snakes and virgin births."

Lorax, you're outnumbered in this country 9:1. Get over it already. You have this fixation about anyone's faith, I think you're lost.

Quote: "My lack of belief sets me up as a target for discrimination by those who are dogmatic in their faith. I'm called "godless" "a devil worshipper" "socialist, communist," yaddda, yadda, yadda."

By whom? Show me on this forum where you've been called any of that? I think you're lying.

The only attack you're experiencing is going on between your earmuffs. Nobody is attacking you for your beliefs.