Quote Originally Posted by jerrytimes View Post
Do most Detroiters think when they vote, or do they just see that D after the name and vote for that person? I'm independent but I identify more with Republicans, but this past elections I voted for 4 Democrats. I didn't vote for anything with the colleges since I didn't know who any of those people were. Pay attention to who your voting for people! If the guy had one or two felonies, and they were decades ago, I could understand, but these were recent and he's still having issues.
I have no idea what most Detroiters do. We don't have secret meetings and plan voting strategy. [[if most Detroiters do, I never get invited) I think a LOT of this is just plain laziness. @ the peak of the election debate, I got responses like "they're all the same", "what does it matter", they're all a bunch of crooks", etc. I think people hear general terms like "We need to vote Democratic", or else are easily swayed by media, so instead of taking the time to actually look into things, they vote that way. I AM glad you spoke up about Banks. I was shocked he got elected, especially after his latest follies. The response on DY was "meh, a lot of people are fellons".