Quote Originally Posted by SWMAP View Post
Also today, Nolan Finley reports in the News that an EFM may be forestalled:
'...<snip>...Will that be enough to head off an emergency manager?
The unions will say so. They came to the table under the threat of a state takeover that could break their contracts and leave them much worse off. ...<snip>...
There were likely several very happy Union officials when the realized that in the EFM law they finally had a way to tell their members that they had no choice but to deal. Always remember that Unions, like Management, will always do whatever they can to protect themselves.

I hope the day comes when we realize that the way that unions are currently running is as much of a disservice to workers as is poor Management.

A real union, interested in the needs of all of its members wouldn't have allowed retirees to get 'golden parachutes' while new workers get squat.