Beautiful 90 degree day. Took my dog to the north beach along a stretch of road heading towards Presque Isle in town.
Big turnout...families with kids, teenagers, older peeps.
Beautiful day on Superior. Very subdued, very laid back.
So i took a dip, and headed out from my favorite summer spot.
Ok, here we go.
At the road crossing along the lake, a van waves me on to cross. So I step out, and almost got run over. The passenger side dude says "sorry", and laughs.
Seconds later they pull over along the beach road, and a woman pops out of the side, with a ciggie in her
mouth...soon thereafter she is screaming bloody murder at the driver as he starts to drive away.
I turn back to see what the fuck is going on.
He finds a spot to park, and the woman is yelling at the driver...cussing and going nuts.
So, they all pile out and hit the beach..I walk over and notice a Kilpatrick bumper sticker.
Mind you, the beach is usually a silent place with the lake lapping the shore, and a few ore boats blowing their horns on occasion.
Out of curiosity, I double back and walk the beach...
Loud, obnoxious, screaming fools drinking beer and tossing cans on this beautiful stretch of beach.
Smoking ciggies, yelling at their kids, out of control.
Everyone within 50 yards leave.
I pray to god these Kilpatrick fuckers don't stay.
Note: of my 40 years of going to to Marquette beaches, never have I witnessed obnoxious and loudmouthed assholes like this group.
I feel better now.