You know.... I don't think that any of this is going to fix any problems for Hart Plaza... what is wrong with it? To little grass, too much pavers and cement, too much underground... too inaccessible to street light traffic???

Hart Plaza was very successful in the 1980s as a venue for the riverfront ethnic festivals. People liked it back then.

What has changed to make it less popular?

I think that many of you are addressing band aids rather than the true symptom of what is wrong with Hart Plaza. Unfortunately I don't know what IS wrong with the place that it attracts so few people in recent years. But unless we know for sure... throwing even more money at the place isn't the answer. Having a walkway above the street isn't that bad. But it doesn't seem to be a problem with Campus Martius... then why is it a problem with Hart Plaza?

I don't know the answer either.... but we should learn more about how that underutilized part the riverfront is the way it is, before spending scarce resources on it!