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Thread: Fun Videos

  1. #101
    ccbatson Guest


    Well done Jimaz...a first.

  2. #102

  3. #103


    My wife shared this funny clip with me.

    Last edited by vetalalumni; October-31-09 at 04:40 PM. Reason: edit

  4. #104


    Did you motor heads know about this?!


  5. #105


    Quote Originally Posted by eriedearie View Post
    LOL! that's a keeper, Erie!

  6. #106


    Quote Originally Posted by eriedearie View Post
    Did you motor heads know about this?!

    Thanks for the link! But I still want to hear the rumble of headers! LOL

  7. #107


    Good to see ya here Mopar! You're welcome.

    Yeah, I know what you mean. Besides, how would the guy in the next lane at the stop light know you wanted to race him!!!
    Last edited by eriedearie; November-10-09 at 06:44 PM. Reason: Added some faces!

  8. #108


    Quote Originally Posted by eriedearie View Post
    Good to see ya here Mopar! You're welcome.

    Yeah, I know what you mean. Besides, how would the guy in the next lane at the stop light know you wanted to race him!!!
    LOL So very true!
    Been doing lots of road trips at work so I'm not online nearly as much as I used to be. Still like dropping in here to see what's happening with y'all up there.

  9. #109


    Baby T-Pain

  10. #110

    Default Red Meat Commercial

  11. #111

    Default Facebook Manners And You

    Do you have good Facebook manners? Timmy and Alice don't. Watch their bad behavior to learn the dos and don'ts of Facebook breakups.
    This one's done in the style of one of those 1950s public service announcements. The device shown is Alice's "computing machine." Its keyboard is an old Remington typewriter. At around 3:13, pause the video to read all the bad things Alice accused Timmy of doing.
    Last edited by Jimaz; May-11-10 at 07:33 PM.

  12. #112


    This is in return for eriedearie's cat video. It's a J. C. Penny ad that's funny enough to stand on its own as a short film.

    Last edited by Jimaz; May-11-10 at 07:33 PM.

  13. #113


    Jimaz, both were great, but the doghouse one ... goodness. I've been there. It is just like they depicted. brutal, with the chai lattes and everything.

  14. #114


    Quote Originally Posted by gnome View Post
    Jimaz, both were great, but the doghouse one ... goodness. I've been there. It is just like they depicted. brutal, with the chai lattes and everything.
    Did you get past the Review Board or have to escape?

  15. #115


    who says I got out?

    Want to know my crime? Washed the bed sheet in warm/cold water, not hot/ warm... still folding.
    Last edited by gnome; November-20-09 at 09:41 PM.

  16. #116


    These videos are all very amusing, true.

    What strikes me is that a mainstream retailer like J. C. Penny is finally starting to understand and is actively attempting to exploit the power of viral media. With Michigan trying so hard to break into filmmaking, maybe Michigan could focus more energy on prying open this particular niche [[where potential customers want to watch these new ads for their entertainment value alone) instead of trying to compete against an entrenched Hollywood on their traditional turf.

    It seems to me that niche is underserved and likely to grow. Michigan has a lot of quirky talent [[Tim Allen, Hell, MI, etc., etc.) that might just be able to get a toe-hold in this burgeoning market.

    [[I have no personal interest in this other than wishing Michigan to thrive.)
    Last edited by Jimaz; November-20-09 at 09:49 PM.

  17. #117


    Jimaz, the Michigan film credit does not apply to commercials, training, instructional or long form infomercial films. It applies only to entertainment pieces.

    But, to get back to the theme of the thread, you might want to check out this from Shredded Wheat. It is a series that delves deep into a single joke and plays it well.


  18. #118


    A friend at work used to do some amazing aerobatics in the parking lot during lunch with his RC gas helocopter. But this video has that beat all to hell.


  19. #119
    dfunkycity Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post

    OMG!!!!!!!!!!! Jimaz, If I were there I would e bowing at your feet.

    You are a god. That was the bet thing I have seen in ages.

  20. #120

    Default Stephen Wiltshire: The Human Camera

    Stephen Wiltshire has been called the "Human Camera." In this short excerpt from the film Beautiful Minds: A Voyage into the Brain, Wiltshire takes a helicopter journey over Rome and then draws a panoramic view of what he saw, entirely from memory.
    Last edited by Jimaz; May-11-10 at 07:33 PM.

  21. #121

    Default Pranking A Telemarketer

    A very funny phone call. If you want to mess up with those marketing/telemarketer people calling you all day, just listen!
    Apologies for reposting this on the new forum but it's just so funny! If you like it, check out the related videos.
    Last edited by Jimaz; May-11-10 at 07:33 PM.

  22. #122

    Default Little Shrunken Sings The Blues

  23. #123

    Default Will people eat anything if it's deep fried!?

  24. #124

    Default Funny 911 Calls

    Last edited by Jimaz; May-11-10 at 07:33 PM.

  25. #125

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