She scares me. She sounds serious. I hope someone has clued her in since then!
This proud youngster is awesome. He parks better than many adults. The adjustment he makes at the end is so great. Caught this clip on ESPN SportsNation.
Vel - that is so cute!
I found this hilarious!
There is someone on this forum that collects Legos. I can't remember who it is, but I wandered around and found this. May you enjoy!
from the planet VOCA
fun stuff
Last edited by UFO; September-20-09 at 08:10 PM.
^Right up Django's alley! ^
Has anyone seen the video of the New Jersey Kindergarten class singing praises and allegiance too Obama? Fox, Hannity, Beck are playing it. If that does scare you no matter what your political preferences, nothing would.
Maybe Matty Maroun can fix up Michigan Central with a laser show like this. Quite interesting.
vetalalumni - I just found out this morning that the little guy in that video is the grandson of one of my daughter-in-laws friends! I've watched that video over and over and I laugh every time. That is just so precious. He gets that leg action in there pretty good!
Original removed, so here is another copy, however "Embedding disabled by request" so cannot embed -->
Yep, that little guy is hilarious. Always makes me laugh too.
Last edited by vetalalumni; September-30-09 at 07:28 PM. Reason: edit
Total duration 1 hour 4 minutes:
Filmmaker Michael Moore on Capitalism: A Love Storycommonwealthclub.orgWho are we and why do we behave the way that we do? Writer, director and producer Michael Moore has been trying to answer that question his entire filmmaking career. His latest film, Capitalism: A Love Story, investigates the powerful forces behind the calamitous predicament in which countless Americans are finding themselves: losing their homes, jobs and savings to foot the bill for past spending.
What is the price that America - and the rest of the world - pays for its love of capitalism?
From Middle America to the halls of power in Washington to the global financial epicenter in Manhattan, Moore takes filmgoers into uncharted territory as he tries to get to the heart of the matter.
Last edited by Jimaz; December-01-09 at 05:14 PM.
Some gems in there.
funny and relevant
Wonderful video, thanks Alfie1a
CC, I knew you would appreciate that one. I thought it was very well produced.
Dang...I am not into boats, but that is soooo cool.
Cool boat-car eriedearie. Quick on the conservative comeback Alfie1a.
Who wants to shake her hand?
We believe that the easiest way to change people's behaviour for the better is by making it fun to do. We call it The fun theory. Do you have an idea that uses fun to change behaviour? Enter now for the chance to win €2500.
Last edited by Jimaz; December-01-09 at 05:20 PM.
Why is it OK for anyone to endeavor to change people's behavior?