Jason Hargrove Transit Center

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  1. #1

    Default Anyone on the board a prof. Planner/Landscape Architect?

    I was wondering if I could hear from anyone on the board who is a professional in planning or landscape architecture. I am a long time forum reader and post from time-to-time. I just graduated from MSU with a dual degree in Urban Planning and Finance. I am reaching out because I wanted to know if any of your offices are looking for volunteers or interns. I have strong ArcGIS and Adobe CS experience, and I am planning on attending grad school soon for Landscape Architecture. Every planning related job I have applied for is looking for 2-3yrs in professional experience, so I'm sort of stuck between a rock and a hard place attempting to crack the field.

  2. #2


    I'm not but I know some... if you have an interest in nonmotorized transportation planning you might call Norm Cox at the Greenway Collaborative, ask him if he needs any help. He has a web site, http://www.greenwaycollab.com, you can get the contact info from there.

    Anyone else on DY interested in bicycle infrastructure, there is a ton of good material on Norm's site.

  3. #3


    I'm not familiar with the department or the people in charge, but I would personally suggest checking out their website to see what kind of work they have in the pipeline. Next write a personal business letter explaining how you can help with the specific work in the pipeline and attach it to your resume. Then, hand deliver it to the building [[if possible), to put a face behind the name. It may take a while to get past the gatekeepers, but it may give you a shot at getting in there.

    Many times, people want to send in the resume hoping to get a shot at something that someone has already planned. Let them know what work you see that needs to be done and make them aware of your abilities. I don't see anyone turning down free work from someone so persistant that the create the work and show up.

  4. #4


    I use ArcMap and ArcINFO, but I am more along the line of policy than design. I know we just had a large staff reduction and are not looking right now. Your best bet would be to go to planning.org or planningmi.org, though there is not a lot out there right now.

    Your best bet for the short-term would be state agencies such as MDNRE or MDOT. They are currently going through a massive downsizing and will replace 3-4 workers for every 10 that leave.

    Prior to the position I have now I worked for a community development non-profit and a Federal agency.

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