Today's Gongwer News has news of a meeting this morning between Governor-elect Snyder and the freshman legislators of the next Michigan legislature. The story ends with a nod to the founder of the feast:
"Mr. Snyder fielded questions from both Republican and Democratic members, including inquiries about tax expenditures and the appropriations process, how department officials will act and how Mr. Snyder plans to change the culture in Lansing.
"Lt. Governor-elect Brian Calley, currently a second-term lawmaker, was also present during the meeting.
"The meeting was sponsored by the Detroit International Bridge Company, which owns the Ambassador Bridge, and Nora Moroun, wife of bridge owner Manuel "Matty" Moroun was present."
Sounds like Matty Moroun isn't wasting any time in buying friends in the next legislature, which won't even be seated for almost two months.