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  1. #1

    Default Matty's Friends, the Next Generation

    Today's Gongwer News has news of a meeting this morning between Governor-elect Snyder and the freshman legislators of the next Michigan legislature. The story ends with a nod to the founder of the feast:

    "Mr. Snyder fielded questions from both Republican and Democratic members, including inquiries about tax expenditures and the appropriations process, how department officials will act and how Mr. Snyder plans to change the culture in Lansing.

    "Lt. Governor-elect Brian Calley, currently a second-term lawmaker, was also present during the meeting.

    "The meeting was sponsored by the Detroit International Bridge Company, which owns the Ambassador Bridge, and Nora Moroun, wife of bridge owner Manuel "Matty" Moroun was present."

    Sounds like Matty Moroun isn't wasting any time in buying friends in the next legislature, which won't even be seated for almost two months.

  2. #2


    What? Buying legislators? Isn't that just glorious, glorious free speech for the Detroit International Bridge Company?

    At least he can't buy off the Canadians. What a mockery our system of government is.

  3. #3


    We should put them all on notice now.

    Let's make it a point of recall for each and every ONE of them.

    Where's Joe Rashid?! He doesn't have enough on his plate, I can just sense it.

    [[you know I'm kidding, Joe, but this would be the time to keep these bozos from making any prepaid moves!)

  4. #4


    btw, does anyone find it at least suspicious that this wasn't considered news by any of the major outlets?!

    Great catch, Sandhouse, btw, and a belated welcome to the forum!

  5. #5


    It only came out in a Gongwer extra this morning, so the main media haven't had time yet to reprint it. We'll see if it appears Tuesday evening or Wednesday. I'm just helping the process along for any editors who read DetroitYES!.

    And I missed the built-in irony of all the talk about "changing the culture" in Lansing. Sounds like the new culture will look - and smell - a lot like the old one.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitnerd View Post
    What? Buying legislators? Isn't that just glorious, glorious free speech for the Detroit International Bridge Company?
    There is nothing stopping the other side from doing the same. Why aren't they?

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by bailey View Post
    There is nothing stopping the other side from doing the same. Why aren't they?
    Yes, there is an inherent rub when it comes to the have-nots buying politicians.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitnerd View Post
    Yes, there is an inherent rub when it comes to the have-nots buying politicians.
    I find it strange that there is not one "have" that stands on the other side of the issue. It would seem to me that there would be many that would benefit from Matty NOT getting what he wants.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by bailey View Post
    I find it strange that there is not one "have" that stands on the other side of the issue. It would seem to me that there would be many that would benefit from Matty NOT getting what he wants.
    Actually, that's not so. I was making a point of my own about the political process, but there are plenty of people who want the DRIC or oppose twinning the DIBC: The federal government, the Canadian government, L. Brooks Patterson, Ford Motor Co., the Detroit Regional Chamber of Commerce, Ohio's GOP-controlled state Senate, Jennifer Granholm, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, The Detroit News and the Detroit Free Press, etc., etc...

  10. #10


    I will be writing to as many officials to demand support for the DRIC..

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitnerd View Post
    Actually, that's not so. I was making a point of my own about the political process, but there are plenty of people who want the DRIC or oppose twinning the DIBC: The federal government, the Canadian government, L. Brooks Patterson, Ford Motor Co., the Detroit Regional Chamber of Commerce, Ohio's GOP-controlled state Senate, Jennifer Granholm, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, The Detroit News and the Detroit Free Press, etc., etc...
    No I got your point, but let's not pretend that moneyed corporate interests just started becoming a problem after Citizens United. It's been part and parcel to the way government, any government, has run since time immemorial. We should be more pissed that the other side of the issue can't manage to get it's act together.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by bailey View Post
    No I got your point, but let's not pretend that moneyed corporate interests just started becoming a problem after Citizens United. It's been part and parcel to the way government, any government, has run since time immemorial. We should be more pissed that the other side of the issue can't manage to get it's act together.
    A fair point.

    I guess what pissed me off about CU was that we had all this outrage over "activist judges," and these corporatists on the supreme court said their job was as simple as "calling balls and strikes." And then they call the whole ballgame, season and pennant in the CU case. Grrrr ...

  13. #13


    Blog on the lobbying and political donations by both sides of DRIC:


  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by BShea View Post
    Blog on the lobbying and political donations by both sides of DRIC:

    Well, well, well it looks like both sides have been spending.

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