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Thread: Sandy Beach

  1. #1

    Default Sandy Beach

    In the late '50's or early '60's we lived in Oak Park [[hence my screen name). My mom took me a few times to a place called Sandy Beach, which had a sand beach and an artificial pool that at the age of 6 or 7 looked just like the ocean. I remember that there was a drop of about 2-3 feet from the beach level to the bottom of the water, not a gradual descent like at a real beach. I also remember there being a gift shop of some sort at the front.

    Does anyone have any idea where Sandy Beach was and if it's still there?

  2. #2


    In the '60's, our Dad took us kids to a place called Stony [[Stoney?) Beach. It was someplace north of where we lived in Birmingham. Maybe it was in Oxford?

    I remember you could look down at the beach from the road.

    Maybe that is the place you are thinking of?

  3. #3


    I doubt it's Stony [[sic) Creek because I think it has no artificial pool although the entire lake is man-made.

    BTW, Stony Creek is offering free admission on November 11, 25 & 26.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Crystal View Post
    In the '60's, our Dad took us kids to a place called Stony [[Stoney?) Beach. It was someplace north of where we lived in Birmingham. Maybe it was in Oxford?

    I remember you could look down at the beach from the road.

    Maybe that is the place you are thinking of?
    Yep...on Lapeer Rd bettween Lake Orion and Oxford. Back in the late-70's we would go there because you could bring coolers of beer to the beach and no one checked ID's. In fact it was anything goes, my hazy memory recalls Led Zeppelin, bottles of Stroh's, and drunks fighting. I also remember that lake being very deep.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by detroittrader View Post
    Yep...on Lapeer Rd bettween Lake Orion and Oxford. Back in the late-70's we would go there because you could bring coolers of beer to the beach and no one checked ID's. In fact it was anything goes, my hazy memory recalls Led Zeppelin, bottles of Stroh's, and drunks fighting. I also remember that lake being very deep.
    Wasn't it a big stone quarry and now it's a subdivision?

  6. #6


    On the Bing aerial maps there's still a large park with a beach labeled "Stony Park". The lakes are definitely former gravel pits, and there are current gravel operations directly across Lapeer Rd. Might be the same place.

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