Wow it's been months since I last posted on DetroitYes. It's good to be back and let's get right to the issue.To me, the city been giving us KIDDY events like Motown Winter Blast,RiverDays[[only cool thing about Riverdays is the music artists).I understand that some of these events are for family and all ages but geeeez!!!Other convention events that are in different states looks more entertaining like:
-Exxxotica in Miami FL,NewYork/New Jersey
-ImportFest in Toronto Ontario, Canada
-Mari Gras in New Orleans
It'll be great if these events comes to the Detroit.My favorite events that we have in the city are DEMF/Movement,MotorCity Comic Con[[Novi,MI),Auto Show,and DUB Custom Car Show.What other great conventions do you people wanna see in Detroit?