I know that there has been quite a few threads lately about Greektown, but I was wondering if anyone knew what was opening up in the building that the Monroe Street Bakery was in. I was in Greektown yesterday and noticed people working on the outside and inside of the building, I know that the Monroe Street Bakery moved out some time ago and the building has been empty since.
I also noticed that a "Five Guys: Burgers and Fries" is opening up on the corner of Beaubien and Monroe streets where the former casino owned Grapevine Cafe was. Months after closing, the shuttered Olympia Restaurant on Monoe is still for rent by the casino, same goes for Sweet Georgia Brown. It looks like the casino is doing a poor job of renting out the properties that it owns on Monroe Street.
Plus, does anyone have an update on what may happen to the demolished New Hellas site at Monroe and St. Antoine streets? Having a crater in the middle of Greektown is awful looking.