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Thread: 48217 & 48216

  1. #1

    Default 48217 & 48216

    There had been a report that the cancer rate is very high for those Southwest Detroit residents living within these two zipcodes. Asthma is extremelely high among the children population in that area. You have those plants and other factories in that area. I was bored yesterday morning and had listen to WCHB. The host had interviewed residences in that area who loved ones and neighbors had died of cancer.Unfortunately the host didn't have the knowledge to ask what politician had gotten paid to ignore the situation in that area where there are homes, Southwestern High School, and other schools, stores and businesses over there. Students at Southwestern had did a experiment a few years back. They had ridden around the area with a white towel impailled on a stick. The towel was sooty and dark after the test drive. They had proven how unsafe the area is. Kwame Kenyatta had phoned in to WCHB and said that he is establishing a 6 months study of the area and going to have a task force with him to do it. A representative had been interviewed also. I didn't here an outcry to the Congress person or senator who represent the area. The companies in that area should pay for the relocation of the residence to safer areas in the city. If the homeowner had paid off his/his house in the area, the companies should buy them a house in the safer part of the city paid in full.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by stasu1213 View Post
    There had been a report that the cancer rate is very high for those Southwest Detroit residents living within these two zipcodes. Asthma is extremelely high among the children population in that area. You have those plants and other factories in that area. I was bored yesterday morning and had listen to WCHB. The host had interviewed residences in that area who loved ones and neighbors had died of cancer.Unfortunately the host didn't have the knowledge to ask what politician had gotten paid to ignore the situation in that area where there are homes, Southwestern High School, and other schools, stores and businesses over there. Students at Southwestern had did a experiment a few years back. They had ridden around the area with a white towel impailled on a stick. The towel was sooty and dark after the test drive. They had proven how unsafe the area is. Kwame Kenyatta had phoned in to WCHB and said that he is establishing a 6 months study of the area and going to have a task force with him to do it. A representative had been interviewed also. I didn't here an outcry to the Congress person or senator who represent the area. The companies in that area should pay for the relocation of the residence to safer areas in the city. If the homeowner had paid off his/his house in the area, the companies should buy them a house in the safer part of the city paid in full.

    When environmental disaster hits the well-to-do [[think lower Manhattan after 9/11), government money pours in to clean it up.

    When environmental disaster hits the poor, we're supposed to pay to move the poor?

    Ummmm ...

  3. #3


    I wonder if there is any stats online [[by zipcode).

    I found a study [[a bit old) but it is not detailed [[it just compares particulate pollution east and west) although the measures on the west side seem like there were not taken in 48217 or 48216 [[but rather in between), it is high even there:

    the sites where samples were taken are the red dots:

    some results:

    I understood one of the top cancer research centers of the nation was in Detroit? [[DMCIOAD)

  4. #4


    I live in SW Detroit and one thing I've noticed over the past few years is that it's very, very dusty. During the spring/summer months my house seems to accumulate dust at an alarming rate [[it really needs to be dusted daily, but I just don't have the time), and my car often has a fine layer of brownish dust on it in the mornings. I shudder thinking about what all that is doing to my lungs.

  5. #5


    I live in 48216, and I also experience the heavy black dust in the house, car covered in brownish dust every morning...

    I have lived by the intersection of two or more major freeways all of my life. The price I will pay, health wise, for my desire to live in the city of Detroit will probably be a painful one, yet it doesn't convince me to move.

    I feel for those folks who live near the bridge and downriver industrial centers. While doing research for a school paper I uncovered that the Delray area has the highest percentage of houses valued under 20k in the whole state. Imagine trying to move or sell your house over there, it's literally impossible if you aren't willing to walk away from your house with nothing to show for it. I agree that if that section of town is going to be the pollution center of Detroit, then the business community should partner up with the city and county to pay for new housing and relocation costs for the residents.

    You can't convince me that people chose to live in those conditions willingly, most do it because they have no other choice.

  6. #6


    People not living in SouthWest Detroit may think they are not affected by the pollution ... I think this is a mistake.
    I read an article recently: a new study made during Spring that showed pollution from China affecting air quality in ..................... California!
    I've also read about how the Sahara desert dust is found in Europe and even in Puerto Rico!

    Now you guys think you are safe because you live in Oakland Park, Rochester Hills or somewhere else "far enough" from Southwest Detroit? Think about it again....
    Everybody should be concerned about this pollution...

    It is hard to find "figures" ... and maybe we won't find them as long as big companies continue to have some influence on politicians.... that doesn't mean that the pollution isn't affecting our health and quality of life.

    Here , some data for the county:

    2005 air pollution in Wayne County:
    Carbon Monoxide: 2 ppm [[standard limit: 9 ppm). Near U.S. average.
    Lead: 0.03 µg/m3 [[standard limit: 1.5 µg/m3). Near U.S. average.
    Nitrogen Dioxide: 0.02 ppm [[standard limit: 0.053 ppm). Above U.S. average.
    Ozone [[1-hour): 0.100 ppm [[standard limit: 0.12 ppm). Near U.S. average.
    Ozone [[8-hour): 0.080 ppm [[standard limit: 0.08 ppm). Near U.S. average.
    Particulate Matter [[PM10) Annual: 40 µg/m3. Above U.S. average.
    Particulate Matter [[PM10) 24-hour [[standard limit: 150 µg/m3): 132 µg/m3. Near U.S. average.
    Particulate Matter [[PM2.5) Annual [[standard limit: 15.0 µg/m3): 18.6 µg/m3. Above U.S. average.
    Particulate Matter [[PM2.5) 24-hour [[standard limit: 35 µg/m3): 52 µg/m3. Above U.S. average.
    Sulfur Oxides Annual: 0.007 ppm [[standard limit: 0.03 ppm). Above U.S. average.
    Sulfur Oxides 24-hour: 0.043 ppm [[standard limit: 0.14 ppm). Above U.S. average.
    Read more: http://www.city-data.com/county/Wayn...#ixzz0eemIwb3P

    [[of course, we should also compare the "US Average" with those in other countries to have a more realistic idea of air quality).

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