Someone needs to investigate the Mass Manipulation of the Detroit Media Market by Robert Ficano.
Why all of these Flu Shot Radio and TV ads surrounded by children??? Where were they produced? How much did it cost? How were they paid for? Are the all "free" PSAs or are they media buys?
Flu season was over in Nov/December. But campaign season is just starting.
Ficano may have broke the law when he shifted federal funds for free flu shots for the poor into producing these "political commercials". Did he once again use the media company owned by Mildred Gaddis [[1200 AM) or Kevin Deitz to produce these campaign commercials that pretend to be Public Service Announcements???.
Is this a clear violation of Michigan Campaign Finance Law or FCC rules. He is a freaking candidate for office. If these were true public service announcements then the public health director or a nurse should be doing them not Ficano.
Why are the TV Stations too lazy to know that Ficano is duping them again to plastering his Face all over the air for free?
Funny how these Ads always start up when he is running for office. Ficano is up for election in Aug 2010.