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  1. #1

    Default Breaking News: Cobo on fire

    Fire Reported at Detroit Auto Show, Cobo Evacuated as Precaution

    Updated: Thursday, 21 Jan 2010, 1:53 PM EST
    Published : Thursday, 21 Jan 2010, 1:48 PM EST
    By myFOXDetroit.com Staff
    DETROIT - Officials are evacuating Cobo Center as a precaution as emergency responders battle a fire at the North American International Auto Show Thursday, FOX 2 confirms.
    We'll continue to update this story as more information becomes available.


  2. #2


    Let it burn and they can get that new hall afterall!
    I'm sure someone will blame it on the facility.

  3. #3


    Scary stuff! I wonder if it's just a cigarette in the bathroom trash.

  4. #4


    Just heard on 950 that it was an electrical fire`1

  5. #5


    Freep says the Audi section is where the fire is located.

    Last edited by yupislyr; January-21-10 at 02:15 PM.

  6. #6
    bartock Guest


    Funny how the Fox2 copter is showing the North East side of Cobo and "smoke" coming out of the roof. That "smoke" comes out of that vent all day, every day. It's not the fire.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Detroit_uke View Post
    Just heard on 950 that it was an electrical fire`1
    There's that $3 million at work for you!!

  8. #8


    While our leaders talk about what to do about expanding Cobo Hall. The Convention Center is turing to crud.

  9. #9


    Hopefully it burned all of the d-bags around the Audi exhibit. Worst car owners ever.

  10. #10
    Retroit Guest


    Now see, if they had just left the leaky roof alone from last year, they wouldn't have to worry about fires. Sheeez...

  11. #11


    LOL Retroit!

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Detroit_uke View Post
    Just heard on 950 that it was an electrical fire`1
    That can't be right. Cobo's electricians charge sky-high rates so they must be the best.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Maple Leaf Rag View Post
    Hopefully it burned all of the d-bags around the Audi exhibit. Worst car owners ever.
    Though I do not own an Audi, I would say the same about your car maker.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Maple Leaf Rag View Post
    Hopefully it burned all of the d-bags around the Audi exhibit. Worst car owners ever.
    I haven't owned one since my 4000 5-cylinder, but their new product is outstanding. Modern day d-bag factor is unknown, but if you wan to discuss Prius owners...

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Det_ard View Post
    That can't be right. Cobo's electricians charge sky-high rates so they must be the best.
    Nice try - The CONTRACTOR who has the exclusive contract at Cobo charges "shy high" rates. The Electricians don't "charge" anything, they are paid the same scale as any other Union Electrician in Metro Detroit. Another attempt to discredit Unions when it is Management's greed [[and corruption) that is the issue.

    And no, I am not a Union Electrician.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by ct_alum View Post
    Nice try - The CONTRACTOR who has the exclusive contract at Cobo charges "shy high" rates. The Electricians don't "charge" anything, they are paid the same scale as any other Union Electrician in Metro Detroit. Another attempt to discredit Unions when it is Management's greed [[and corruption) that is the issue.

    And no, I am not a Union Electrician.
    you are right sir!!! and i am married to one

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by ct_alum View Post
    Nice try - The CONTRACTOR who has the exclusive contract at Cobo charges "shy high" rates. The Electricians don't "charge" anything, they are paid the same scale as any other Union Electrician in Metro Detroit. Another attempt to discredit Unions when it is Management's greed [[and corruption) that is the issue.

    And no, I am not a Union Electrician.
    And what are these don't "charge" anything hourly commercial rates? $100 an hour per electrician?

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by davewindsor View Post
    And what are these don't "charge" anything hourly commercial rates? $100 an hour per electrician?
    I'd guess the IBEW 17 or 58 is at least $40/hr straight time, fully loaded with benefits $70+. Maybe Maof can shed some light on the topic.

    The problem is that between the [[corrupt, in Detroit) management mark-up, the union pay scale and the union rules, an exhibitor pays much more to show at Detroit than at a non-union hall. Hello Orlando.

    See http://www.detroityes.com/mb/showthread.php?t=4276 for an article on how Chicago's losing convention business due to union rates and rules.

  19. #19


    i think it must be some disgrunted Belgian employees of the Antwerp Opel plant. Just today GM announced it would be closing that plant with the loss of about 2500 direct jobs.

    Is it all under control, or was there never a fire?
    Last edited by Whitehouse; January-21-10 at 05:52 PM.

  20. #20


    Yes, at about 1:30 PM there was a small fire [photo here] that generated a lot of smoke. Cobo Hall was evacuated and attendees were permitted back inside at around 5 PM.

    On the 4 PM radio news [[I think it was WJR 760), instead of quoting Cobo management, they quoted an IBEW spokesperson who made it very clear that the fire involved a piece of electrical equipment that belonged to an exhibitor. I don't know why that should matter, since all electrical equipment brought into Cobo must be installed by IBEW electricians.

  21. #21


    Don't you just love the Electrician's Union! and ALL the Unions in Detroit. They will get the job done in Cobo Hall.

  22. #22


    There's no indication it was a problem with Cobo at all- maybe the Audi exhibit had some electrical problems.

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