The following arrived in today's email bag. In the spirit of DetroitYES good will you are invited to to help out, if you wish.
Dear DetroitYES-Team,
I am a student of the University of Potsdam, Germany, writing my master thesis for the American Studies Institute about Detroit’s public space. For my master thesis I would like to know what Detroiters and Metro Detroiters think about regenerated places like Campus Martius Park, the Riverfront, parks and the streetscape downtown.
As popular Forum for Detroit I thought it may be a good idea to contact you. I wonder if you could fill out my questionnaire. The topic of my questionnaire is "Accessibility and Utilization of Places in Detroit’s Public Space". You find my questionnaire on my website I prepared for easier handling and better evaluation of the outcome.
You find the address below. Your answers will certainly remain absolutely anonymous, will only be used for my master thesis, and never be passed on to others. It will take only about 10 minutes to fill out the form.
I apologize for taking your time and thank you for your cooperation.
With best regards from Germany,
Kerstin Oelstrom