Lee Plaza Restoration

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  1. #1
    bartock Guest

    Default Mack/Barham area

    OK I've been curious about this for awhile, but I can't find out anything about a unique and somewhat foreboding cinder block building that went up on Mack avenue at Barham in the past couple of years. I have seen 15310 and 15315 Mack as two of the addresses. I have exhausted my snooping knowledge to find out what exactly this is, and who/what live there. Google Maps is not much help because the building was under construction at the time. 15310 Mack is identified in searches as being an animal hospital in Grosse Pointe Park, so I question the accuracy of the address numbers on the doors [[making it all the more intriguing), as this building is on the west [[Detroit) side of Mack [[the neighborhood behind it is blown out), not the GPP side. Anybody know anything about this structure?

    [[I don't know how to reprint or link to Google Maps, but maybe this works? 15315 Mack Ave
    Detroit, MI 48230

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009


    I have no idea [[I've been out of the area for many years) but I've got to say you've piqued my curiosity. Back when I lived west of I-94 I used to like to ride my bike down Barham all the way from one end to the other because of its uniqueness being sort of a half-street. I'll be following this thread with interest and will appreciate seeing any further information or pictures.

  3. #3
    bartock Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by EMG View Post
    I have no idea [[I've been out of the area for many years) but I've got to say you've piqued my curiosity. Back when I lived west of I-94 I used to like to ride my bike down Barham all the way from one end to the other because of its uniqueness being sort of a half-street. I'll be following this thread with interest and will appreciate seeing any further information or pictures.
    Unfortunately, Beaconsfield between Mack and Warren is in bad shape; particularly by Mack, where almost all of the houses on the south side of that last block are burnt out or abandoned.

  4. #4


    friends of a friend of a friend built a home on that side of town. they designed it and built it themselves. they are in the creative arts, but not architecture. from what i've heard they paid attention more to the interior than the exterior. the materiality they used, the picture of construction, and the description i mentioned leads me to believe it's the same structure you're inquiring about. i'll have to ask about the precise area to verify though.

  5. #5
    bartock Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by rsa.313 View Post
    friends of a friend of a friend built a home on that side of town. they designed it and built it themselves. they are in the creative arts, but not architecture. from what i've heard they paid attention more to the interior than the exterior. the materiality they used, the picture of construction, and the description i mentioned leads me to believe it's the same structure you're inquiring about. i'll have to ask about the precise area to verify though.
    I suppose this makes more sense than my theory that this is a training center for vampire ninjas, but it's not nearly as cool. Please let me know what you found out.

  6. #6

    Default New building on Mack

    It's a new church. Been in the construction process for a few years.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by bartock View Post
    Unfortunately, Beaconsfield between Mack and Warren is in bad shape; particularly by Mack, where almost all of the houses on the south side of that last block are burnt out or abandoned.
    Oh, yes, it was already pretty bad and had several burned out houses even when I was riding down it in the mid to late '80s - by the late '90s I never even dared go through there. As for now, I can only imagine.

  8. #8


    When the foundation was started, a sign on the property indicated it was the future home of an art gallery.

  9. #9


    The address 15301 mack shows up in the public tax records as belonging to Epoque Design Studios and Gallery c/o a local detroiter, this agrees with the signage that MikeM reported. What I find most interesting in that area is how there are almost no home behind that building for several blocks!

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by rsa.313 View Post
    friends of a friend of a friend built a home

    they are in the creative arts,

    Any chance it could be a dual purpose - residence and studio?

  11. #11
    bartock Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    Any chance it could be a dual purpose - residence and studio?
    Thanks to everyone for the help. The tax records find was great! Searching that provides this.


    Obviously the phone number doesn't match [[unless a cell, then perhaps), but this may be it. I think you are right about the dual purpose as there are at least two address numbers on different doors. Lights were on when I drove past yesterday...as you can tell from the pictures they almost look like interior floods. Appears to be a unique layout up close, one that I suspect allows a lot of light in from the roof. Perhaps I'll just knock on the door the next time I see a light.

  12. #12


    i found out more info: it serves actually a quadruple purpose; it contains a gallery, office, a small black box theatre, and residence for it's owners. one of the owners does set and interior design.

  13. #13


    A touch of landscaping wouldn't hurt.

  14. #14
    bartock Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by rsa.313 View Post
    i found out more info: it serves actually a quadruple purpose; it contains a gallery, office, a small black box theatre, and residence for it's owners. one of the owners does set and interior design.
    Thanks! Although not very inviting from the outside, perhaps it will spur something in the area.

  15. #15


    I used to have a Detroit Free Press route on Lakepointe, Barham, Beaconsfield, Warren to Mack. Cal Fleming [[landscape) was a customer. Remember Bims coney island, Lakepointe & Mack?
    Had a customer on Barham, last name was Champaine, IIRC, gorgeous daughters.

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