Lee Plaza Restoration

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  1. #1


    Maybe her husband is working his magic

  2. #2


    This thread title doesn't make sense. Monica Conyers doesn't know how to write a sentence.

    [[rim shot)

  3. #3


    Who's Monica Conyer?

  4. #4


    She wasn't the one locked in the closed at Tiger Stadium, was she? That person could yell loud enough to attract the guards, but then couldn't talk to the police. Maybe this needs more investigation.

  5. #5


    Her most famous quote: Shrek

  6. #6


    She will get off wont do a day, check the odds in Vegas. Maybe I'm a little stoned but the bigger issue to me is, a image of this wacko and her petrified husband in any kind of posistion.

  7. #7


    When is her sentencing anyway?

  8. #8


    No one seems to know, also find it interesting she was in the news everyday, loud and rude, and has suddenly disappeared.

  9. #9


    Rumor has it she got outta town. She was in DC while John was in Detroit. She was spotted a few days ago back in the D. http://apps.detnews.com/apps/blogs/d...nica%20Conyers

  10. #10


    Thanks for article Leland_Palmer, I had missed it. And really the only thing I care about MC is that she serve time in prison, but alas that probably won't happen. Again justice not served. And again I am Just Amazed
    [[from article attached to above post)
    Conyers has been out of sight -- and possibly out of Detroit -- while she awaits her sentencing on a federal bribery conspiracy charge. A date hasn't been set.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Just Amazed View Post
    Thanks for article Leland_Palmer, I had missed it. And really the only thing I care about MC is that she serve time in prison, but alas that probably won't happen. Again justice not served. And again I am Just Amazed
    [[from article attached to above post)
    Conyers has been out of sight -- and possibly out of Detroit -- while she awaits her sentencing on a federal bribery conspiracy charge. A date hasn't been set.
    Her husband is probably pulling strings. I wouldn't be surprise if he retires next year and then she will go to prison

  12. #12


    ok detroityes folks, don't jump all over me now, just throwing this out there. Any possibility the feds have her serving time already? That the sentencing was done hush hush and they sent her somewhere, a hush hush fed place? justifying it because of her relationship to a highly placed congressional type? claiming some sort of sensitive nature? Just throwing it out there everyone.

  13. #13


    Can't we just strip her of her Detroit citizenship? Please?

  14. #14


    No sentencing date set in Conyers case

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by leland_palmer View Post
    Rumor has it she got outta town. She was in DC while John was in Detroit. She was spotted a few days ago back in the D. http://apps.detnews.com/apps/blogs/d...nica%20Conyers
    Did I miss something or is the article correct when it states each council member has a $656,000.00 annual budget apiece? The president of the city council has a $830,705.00 annual budget? And how many council members does the city have? No wonder Detroit is going broke! If true this is insane!

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by jbd441 View Post
    Did I miss something or is the article correct when it states each council member has a $656,000.00 annual budget apiece? The president of the city council has a $830,705.00 annual budget? And how many council members does the city have? No wonder Detroit is going broke! If true this is insane!
    This is insane, and apparently you can take whatever you want. Has there been any other word on Cockrel turning over to the police the list of missing items after Monica vacated her office???????

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by kathy2trips View Post
    Can't we just strip her of her Detroit citizenship? Please?
    Oh dear, the word 'strip' in a Monica Conyers blog. One Dyes blogger pours bleach in his eyes at such times, maybe a good idea now??

    Hey, without the bribe money coming in you think Monica might, um, you know, pole dance for $$$?

  18. #18


    Mark you calendar...

    Conyers gets court date for sentencing in bribery case
    Former Detroit councilwoman to hear fate on Dec. 1


  19. #19


    I bet she recieves a light sentence.

  20. #20


    Throw the book at her.

    Then throw the book AT her.

  21. #21


    Somebody warn the inmates, they better bulk up for the new bully of cell block 8.... I hear the casinos are taking bets on her first fight!

  22. #22


    I wagering she will do atleast 2 years plus probation. Plus I got one heavy bet she does 5 years. If Bing wins she will do 5 years. The Detroit News has to sell papers.

  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by notimpressed View Post
    When does it happen or did I miss something?
    December 1, 2009
    Didn't she pled way back in April?
    I guess her 'old man' called in all of his favors.
    It remains to be seen if she gets any prison time.
    I'll bet she doesn't.

  24. #24
    lilpup Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Barbara_10 View Post
    December 1, 2009
    Didn't she pled way back in April?
    I guess her 'old man' called in all of his favors.
    It remains to be seen if she gets any prison time.
    I'll bet she doesn't.
    Maybe she's been singing.

  25. #25


    Moved to January 15th to "best serve the interests of justice."


    My guess is that they didn't want to ruin x-mas at the Conyer's.
    Last edited by leland_palmer; November-04-09 at 12:23 PM.

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