They are not all saints who use holy water. ~English Proverb
They are not all saints who use holy water. ~English Proverb
No wonder this state is in a billion dollar budget shortfall. Politicians keep on spending our taxepayer money for wasteful and laverish luxuries. Michigan is definately acting like the Soviet Union destined to collapse economically.
Representative Marty Knollenberg says he’s ready with a bill calling for full disclosure of where this money’s being spent…we’ll keep you posted. You should also know the legislature is not alone in this. The governor’s expense allowance is not 12 but $60,000 a year…and the lieutenant governor another 20—none of it reported publicly. Yes, they’re all busy with the budget, but is there a better time to ask how they themselves spend our precious tax dollar?
hypocrisy at it's best! I hope he holds on to this like a pitbull! I also hope the people of this state remain steadfest in transparency and truth.
Good job ferreting out the hidden expenditures our legislators give to themselves. I don't know how they can take the money in good conscience. Imagine how many state police could be kept on the job protecting us.