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Thread: Hinzes Park

  1. #1

    Default Hinzes Park

    Any fans from back in the days? I was one of the last generations of Hinzes Parkers. Class of '86. Nolo Bend and Haggerty Hill [[and everywhere in between)

    Definitely where the parties [[and boys) were!!! Had somewhere to hang everyday after school and ALL weekend!

    Now those were the days!

  2. #2


    Do you mean Hines Park, or is there another park out there with that name?

  3. #3


    I can remember it well. Back in the old days it was reminiscent of what Belle Isle is today, thousands of kids parked up and down the sides of the road with open intoxicants. I can remember having to put a 12 pack in the trunk of a squad car when I was 17.

    The name of the place is Nolar Bend.

  4. #4


    Beer Hill in Northville, summers of '69,'70 & 71. Many nights there. And the Horseshoe in Westland too.
    While the park had a 11 P.M. closing, the Sheriff's deputies had a unofficial deal going in '70 with the participants that if there was no problems there and no noise issues, there would be no enforcement of the closing time. This worked for most of the summer, but towards the fall too much bravado from some participants caused enforcement of the park curfew.

  5. #5


    I was class of 87 and eventhough I had heard about Hines and wanted to check it out , I never got there.I do remember getting kicked outta the DEAD MANS HILL area back in the 80's. Sometimes on the way out to cruise Main St in Plymouth we would take Hines,But you got there quicker taking 275.
    If I had a beer for every "Beer Hill" story I could stay away from the beer AISLE for a couple months.

  6. #6
    PQZ Guest


    My parents bought a house in 1971 in Plymouth with 2.5 acres that backed up to Hines Park between Haggerty and Riverside Dr.

    Every year we had three or four drunks pass out in the barn, one falling asleep on the hood of my Mom's car. My parents wound having to rip down a tree fort six month after my brothers and I built it - after we found a cocaine and dope stash that had been cleverly hidden in to the floor boards.

    Three charming gentlemen in their mid thirties refused to leave our back yard after they saw my sisters [[one college, one high school) out sun bathing. It took six sherriffs deputies to get them out of our yard even though the girls had left through the front door hours previously.

    A weekly almost daily exercise was to see what had been pilfered from the barn. Bikes, full gas cans, tools, skateboards you name it.

    Things stopped on our property and the general vicinity after my old man installed a motion detector flood light and he and two neighbors took turns sitting out side all night with a with his .22 rifle. It wasn't the thefts that prompted that, it was the seven rapes within a mile of our house that took place in Hines Park. It only took three or four incidents where shots were fired in to the air a second or two after the lights came one for word to get around not to fuck with the four houses up the hill.

    So yeah. Wheeeee! Beer and fun in the park! Rape! What hoot! Just innocent kids having a good time! Those were the days! Yaaaay!.

    Then there was the time my old man had to get his

  7. #7


    My fondest memories of Hines are of the illicit motorcycle runs..we'd get thirty-forty bikes together at the Dunkin' Donuts on Telegraph, and park a bike at every intersection to spot traffic..
    For some of us, true happiness only occurs at triple digit speeds.

    I quit playing there after I almost ate it one night..coming east thru the easy left-hander over the bridge just west of Haggerty, showed 120-something on the speedo with both wheels off the ground, just watching the edge of the road come closer while waiting for the dang thing to touch down..finally landed with both wheels on the white stripe, but seriously needed an underwear change.

  8. #8


    Sorry about the misspellings. It was a quickie post.

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