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  1. #1

    Default Until Financial Stability


    So Time is here, ok great. So CNN is going to cover Detroit too. Both for a year. As my friend Jackie Victor just told me today over coffee at Avalon, “the story their telling has been told.” So what story isn’t being told?

    I am 22,000 images into a photo/video documentary that will reveal an visual example of who detroit is and if the detroiters themselves can help me this example could bring the citizens here something to celebrate, something to educate and something to hold on to as our present becomes our past.

    please read my blog post and help me find the stories to tell. from bar mitzvah to mosques, car lovers to the unemployed, young and successful to a hip hop artist. My goal is 70 day-in-the-life photo stories with video and written components in the next 12 months. Unpaid and self motivated because of my love/sometime struggle/dislike relationship with my city.

    As far as who i am, i am a detroiter for four years now, bought downtown and am working as a freelance photographer. Some of my clients include the ny times and wsj. I have won two emmy awards for my video work. All that to say, my dedication to truth and integrity with my subjects compels me to be the best i can be.

    So far I have photographed many situations including people throwing a truck from the Packard Plant 4th floor to fridges out of the 14th floor at the projects. from the yacht club parties to back yard fourth of july bbqs. Strangest thing to date though was when I was kidd rocks wedding photographer. That is it for now, email Stephenmcgee@mac.com with inquiries about the project or storylines or requests. I will give my subjects digital copies of the photograhs. Please allow some time for me to get back to you. I am sometimes very busy.
    thank you, sincerely, stephen mcgee
    Last edited by Stephen McGee; October-08-09 at 02:44 AM.

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