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  1. #1

    Default EEV Home Tour October 11th

    Detroit's East English Village [[EEV), located at E. Outer Drive and E. Warren on the city’s east side will host its first neighborhood home tour on Sunday, October 11th, from 1:00 until 5:00 p.m. The tour will feature up to 5 homes that have "lost their owners". Several distinct gardens will also be on the tour where one can relax and enjoy refreshments while listening to live music.

    There is no charge for the event but registration in mandatory. Pre-registration is available online or you may also register in person on tour day only at 4240 Kensington Road.

    For more information or to register for this free tour, simply click on the link below
    or call [[313) 216-1729.


  2. #2


    As a resident of EEV, I appreciate the community spirit that has kept our community strong.

    My energy is at low ebb so I have not been as active as I should be. I just want to give a good round of applause to community leaders who have kept this neighborhood a great place to live.

  3. #3


    Hey sumas--

    Come out on Sunday and enjoy the tour. It should be a lot of fun!

  4. #4
    stinkbug Guest


    I'm thinking about buying a home within the next year and am considering EEV. I'll probably have a family within the next 5 years.
    Are there good private schools nearby[[I'm Catholic so that helps)?
    I know Cadieux Cafe of course; I'm a beer and a shot kind of guy...like to kick back after work...any other good laid-back bars?
    I know the neighborhood ain't what it used to be. Still family friendly?
    I live in Detroit so I don't want to catch any shit from lurkers with shit like, "Move to Bloomfield/GP/whatever". Nope.
    I plan on coming to the home tour hopefully.

  5. #5


    Thanks Eastside, for this last year my life would read something like, "a day late and a dollar short". Or even, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions".

    This is a great community. Yes, we have a strong Catholic church with a school.

    I can't state enough how I appreciate all the efforts by our community to keep this area stellar. There is a real sense of neighborhood here. Recently, our car needed a new battery. One neighbor loaned a tool, another did all the work. Too sweet!!!

    Saturday, I plan on going to Eastern market to buy Mums for the front yard to help put our best face forword for this tour. I cut and edged the front yard grass today.

    For all others, EEV is a great place to live. Nice homes, great neighbors!

    I promise you Eastside that this coming year I'll jump in and really help. In the short term I guess I am just happy to be a part of this great neighborhood.

  6. #6



    Hey stinkbug, here is an article that ran in the Free Press detailing Sunday's home tour. We hope to see you at the tour.

    As sumas mentioned, there is a Catholic school nearby, it is called St. Clare. There are others fairly close as well. The Cadieux Cafe is a sure bet but for a brew and there are other good places along Mack Avenue as well.


  7. #7


    There are also some laid-back bars along Harper, on the north end of EEV.
    I agree, it's a good place to be.

  8. #8


    The weather forecast appears to be sunny and cool for Sunday. A great day for the FREE EEV Home Tour. Come on out and tour the neighborhood and see what EEV has to offer.

  9. #9
    stinkbug Guest


    Woah what a great neighborhood. Who says Detroit is dead? They need to check out hoods like EEV. I'll probably buy there.

  10. #10


    We were very impressed also! Great network of neighbors and very well maintained homes, I might be an Eastsider before the year is up!!

  11. #11


    Thanks to all that attended the first annual EEV Home Tour. There was a huge turnout. As mentioned above, those attending were impressed with quality of the homes and the tidiness of the family friendly neighborhood!

  12. #12


    I agree. Great event, great neighborhood!

  13. #13


    Showed up for a bit at the Cafe. Husband feather bowled and I yakked and snacked. Area residents put on a great tour. Thanks again to all neighbors who contributed. EEV is a great place to live!

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