I hear allot about Detroit students that don't graduate. 90% of the charter schools are K-8's. Where do all these kids go to high school? Maye I missed a bunch, but I only count 6 charter high schools in the city among all the different charter companies [[and roughly 33 Pk-5 or K-8)! And they say there's 45,000 kids in charter schools??? Seems fishy.
Are the charter kids really not getting much better of an education then the public school kids and merely dropping out when they return to a public high school? I do know the teacher turnover rate at charters is extremely high.
Isn't it a little unfair to talk about "graduation rates" when charters are MOSTLY [[not all) grades K to 8 and don't have to be accountable for graduation rates? How do they know the charter school graduation rate if most them don't have high schools?
Just curious.