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  1. #1

    Default Parducci Lecture, Friday, October 2 @ Masonic Temple, Detroit

    Jennifer Baross
    Corrado Parducci Lecture
    at Detroit Masonic Temple Library, 4th Floor
    October 2, 2009, 7PM

    Join Jennifer Baross as she tells Parducci’s story and takes viewers on a visual architectural tour of his work throughout the city of Detroit.

    Jennifer Baross is a Junior in Interior Design at the College for Creative Studies [[CCS) in Detroit. Having had a love for photography and architecture since as long as she can remember, Jennifer spends weekends photographing architectural elements in the city. Her work has been published in Connecting the Dots: Tyree Guyton’s Heidelberg Project, featured in the Guyton’s exhibit at the Handswerk School in Bolzano, Italy, and currently on display at the Center Galleries at CCS. She currently works in a Financial and Estate Planning Firm in Bloomfield Hills.

    The project on Parducci grew out of a research paper from an Interior Design History course. Having heard of Parducci, she was disappointed that there was little written about this great architectural sculptor, and decided to find out for herself exactly who this almost unknown sculptor was. Join Jennifer as she tells Parducci’s story and takes viewers on a visual architectural tour of his work throughout the city of Detroit.


  2. #2
    Lorax Guest


    I think the Parducci studio remains are still standing somewhere, can't remember where, but they may even be on DYes somewhere. Any ideas where and if this building is still standing?

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Lorax View Post
    I think the Parducci studio remains are still standing somewhere, can't remember where, but they may even be on DYes somewhere. Any ideas where and if this building is still standing?
    On Sibley east of Clifford. The studio building was demolished a few years back, but a look at Google Maps shows that the building foundation may still be there. I will have to drive by to see if it is or not.

  4. #4


    Here is the studio in 2002 just prior to demolition. Those big north light had to provide magnificent interior lighting. Too bad it couldn't have been saved and house a museum for such a great artist who did so much to add to Detroit's architectural treasure trove.

  5. #5


    Thanks, Lowell!! Tom Brunk confirmed that there is nothing left on the site, no concrete floor or anything.

  6. #6


    Kathleen, Thanks for posting the lecture info. I really enjoyed it.

  7. #7


    Here is the Parducci studio building foundation before it was removed:


  8. #8


    I dug out the pictures I shot in 2002. I always regretted not getting better pictures. It is one of those sites where you say 'I'll get it on another day with better light' and then you come back to a pile of rubble. But these will show the full structure and give a little context of the location.

    Here you can see the Palms Hotel to the left, also St. John's, and Park Ave. Hotel on the right.

    And finally a larger shot of the one I posted above.

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