Lee Plaza Restoration

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  1. #1

    Default Seeking Baker's Keyboard Materials...

    Documentary filmmaker Sherman Oaks Creative is developing a film on Detroit's legendary jazz club Baker's Keyboard Lounge, still in business after 75 years. We are seeking historic photos and film footage taken at the club [[older the better) plus other camera-friendly graphics [[ads/memorabilia/souvenirs) Anyone with any such items or tips as to whom we could contact to locate same for possible inclusion in the film should contact me here in Michigan. Photos of musicians playing Baker's are our priority, though any graphic representing the positive vibe we shared at the club over the years would help us tell the Baker's story properly. Thanks for your help.

  2. #2


    Unfortunately, all I have are great memories. Kinda makes you wish that you always carried a camera with you. Keep us informed about the film project.

  3. #3

    Default Documentary project progressing

    We're making progress on locating still photos taken at Baker's. Too many of them are confirmed but still to be found in people's collections. Located the photographer who photographed Brubeck over 50 years ago, and cross your fingers that there might be some old film footage that could surface. We're in contact with Detroit's two great guitarists, Kenny B. and Earl K. and will be touching base with Yusef soon.

  4. #4
    Lorax Guest


    There was the Graystone Ballroom which showcased similar acts on Woodward Avenue, and a group know as the Graystone International Jazz Museum which may still be in existence, but perhaps curated through someone's home at this point. Might be worth checking into. There are probably lots of photos of Baker's there.

  5. #5


    I would think that Jimg, who literally wrote the book on Detroit jazz and posts here occasionally, is someone you'd want to get in touch with, if you haven't already.

  6. #6


    We will be speaking with Jimg, who's a valuable source on Detroit jazz history, and are looking into the whereabouts of the Graystone Collection.

  7. #7


    Have been in contact with Larry over the last year about Baker's. Sadly, there is no repository of memorabilia from this august Det establishment...my pal has a table and chairs which came from the 1950's, and a matchbook, and I was allowed to copy some photos, held by Clarence's widow, of the exterior . After Clarence "sold" the club the first time, I got access to the inside storage areas. There was a moldy box of publicity materials from some of the many artists who graced the club but that's all, folks. The original piano was selected by Art Tatum, but it's been in the repair shop/storage for many years.
    Still, I'm glad someone is doing a Baker's project. Too bad the BlueBird Inn didn't enjoy the same fate...
    Last edited by Jimg; October-09-09 at 04:31 PM. Reason: more info

  8. #8


    The Graystone International Jazz Museum, founded by James Jenkins, is loong gone, but the material, as Lorax suggested, is looked after by a former Board member. I will ask about Baker's stuff. I don't recall ever seeing anything from Baker's at the Museum, but ya never know...

  9. #9


    Thanks for looking into the Graystone matter. Most of our "leads" on this project are longshots, but as you say, who knows... Will talk to you down the road.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimg View Post
    The Graystone International Jazz Museum, founded by James Jenkins, is loong gone, but the material, as Lorax suggested, is looked after by a former Board member. I will ask about Baker's stuff. I don't recall ever seeing anything from Baker's at the Museum, but ya never know...
    Yeah, the Graystone museum was in the Book Building or Book Tower, but the leader of that project died. I've been working on a Graystone history piece and would love to get in touch with anyone from the museum if you find a connection.

  11. #11


    There is a lot of info about the Graystone in "Before Motown," and we have some odds and ends and photographs which are not in the book. Contact me at JamesJazz at comcast.net if you're interested. I'd like to learn more about your project.

  12. #12


    This thread makes me very very happy.

    Glad to see people are keeping the history of jazz and Detroit alive.

    You probably already know this, but I've read Guy Lombardo often played shows at Detroit's Statler Hotel. They used to have jazz bands playing there all the time, back before the Staler chain was sold to Hilton in the late '50s.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by pryce4jazz View Post
    Documentary filmmaker Sherman Oaks Creative is developing a film on Detroit's legendary jazz club Baker's Keyboard Lounge, still in business after 75 years. We are seeking historic photos and film footage taken at the club [[older the better) plus other camera-friendly graphics [[ads/memorabilia/souvenirs) Anyone with any such items or tips as to whom we could contact to locate same for possible inclusion in the film should contact me here in Michigan. Photos of musicians playing Baker's are our priority, though any graphic representing the positive vibe we shared at the club over the years would help us tell the Baker's story properly. Thanks for your help.
    This Sherman Oaks Creative in San Fernando Valley [[LA)? --> http://www.shermanoakscreative.com/

  14. #14


    Yes, vetalalumni, that's the one. Sherman Oaks Creative earned an Academy Award nomination for their documentary "Mighty Times: The Legacy of Rosa Parks", so I'm hoping to still unearth more Baker's photos [[the older the better) or maybe even some film shot in the club that would help flesh out the Baker's story correctly. I think Earl Klugh has agreed to an interview, and we're working on a few other key "characters to help tell the BLK saga.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by pryce4jazz View Post
    Yes, vetalalumni, that's the one. Sherman Oaks Creative earned an Academy Award nomination for their documentary "Mighty Times: The Legacy of Rosa Parks", so I'm hoping to still unearth more Baker's photos [[the older the better) or maybe even some film shot in the club that would help flesh out the Baker's story correctly. I think Earl Klugh has agreed to an interview, and we're working on a few other key "characters to help tell the BLK saga.
    Unfortunately I have no photographs. Consider contacting Detroit native Dee Dee McNeil as she might be interested and have resourceful information. She is active around the LA and southern California area. Her web site --> http://www.deedeemac.com/

  16. #16


    I don't know what reality quotient you're shooting for, Larry, but the fact is that Baker's did not welcome American Africans as patrons until Solly Hartstein took over the place. This can be put into context but should be mentioned.
    Until Larry's film arrives, interested folks can find our version of Baker's history at www.detroitmusichistory.com
    It would be really good if Kenny B would participate - his Thanksgiving gigs at Baker's went on for years.

  17. #17


    Kenny and other Detroit jazzists who hit the national scene are essential, I think, to telling the Baker's story correctly. There's a great Nancy Wilson story that also needs to be told, and it would be nice if she would consent to an interview. She was one of the many musicians who appreciated Clarence and went out of their way for him.

    On another note, we can all bid a fond farewell to our buddy Soupy, who was such a fan of jazz.

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