Lee Plaza Restoration

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  1. #1

    Default Organized Crime in Detroit

    Post any interesting facts on Organized Crime in Detroit, going back to the Purple gang and prohibtion era., then moving on to acutal Detroit Partenership, Tocco - Licavoli - Zerilli. Then Moving on to Organized Crime gangs like Black Mafia Family, Chamber Brothers, Best Friends in the late 80s to early nineties. And if there's any now working the streets of Detroit. Writing a report for WSU on the History of Organized Crime in Detroit, Any Info or pictures, or true stories of experiences, would be Great.

  2. #2


    I grew up on the Detroit Eastside. Seems like back then everything was a front for the mob. We had Italian neighbors who owned several small inner city grocery stores. They claimed to have no ties to the mafia. They owned a Cadillac. They drove to New York City and got their car stolen from the hotel lot. [[That was back when the mob liked sending stolen cars to Brazil.) They flew home and about five days later their car was personally delivered to them back in Detroit. No mob connections....Bull!

    Worked in Eastern Market for several years for small Italian firm. The guy I worked for, Frank had some of the best stories. Try canvassing some of those old timers in the market for your research.

  3. #3
    lilpup Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by MysticalHalf View Post
    Post any interesting facts on Organized Crime in Detroit, going back to the Purple gang and prohibtion era., then moving on to acutal Detroit Partenership, Tocco - Licavoli - Zerilli. Then Moving on to Organized Crime gangs like Black Mafia Family, Chamber Brothers, Best Friends in the late 80s to early nineties. And if there's any now working the streets of Detroit. Writing a report for WSU on the History of Organized Crime in Detroit, Any Info or pictures, or true stories of experiences, would be Great.
    Not even a please or thank you for helping you with your homework??

  4. #4


    How about going to the library and doing the research like everyone else. Who relies on an internet forum for a college paper? How lazy.

    And stop with the random capitalization already. If you really are a college student writing a paper you'll get an F on it based just on that.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by lilpup View Post
    Not even a please or thank you for helping you with your homework??
    I'd love to see how they cite their "sources": [[1) lilpup, DetroitYES.com

    And how about posting the grade of these papers that we "help" you with?

  6. #6


    Troll alert

  7. #7


    Search Google for Detroit Street Gangs.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by MysticalHalf View Post
    Post any interesting facts on Organized Crime in Detroit...
    You mean, besides the local government?

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Lonyo exit View Post
    How about going to the library and doing the research like everyone else. Who relies on an internet forum for a college paper? How lazy.

    And stop with the random capitalization already. If you really are a college student writing a paper you'll get an F on it based just on that.
    Random capitalization? I haven't been to school for a while and I'm not siding with anyone, but I thought people, places and things are suppose to be capitalized??

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Fnemecek View Post
    You mean, besides the local government?

    That was a good one

  11. #11


    Organized crime was never really a problem in Detroit. It's all the UNorganized shit causing problems......

  12. #12
    Bearinabox Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Cincinnati_Kid View Post
    Random capitalization? I haven't been to school for a while and I'm not siding with anyone, but I thought people, places and things are suppose to be capitalized??
    Not unless you're speaking German.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Cincinnati_Kid View Post
    Random capitalization? I haven't been to school for a while and I'm not siding with anyone, but I thought people, places and things are suppose to be capitalized??
    How about:

    Originally Posted by MysticalHalf
    Post any interesting facts on Organized Crime in Detroit, going back to the Purple gang and prohibtion era., then moving on to acutal Detroit Partenership, Tocco - Licavoli - Zerilli. Then Moving on to Organized Crime gangs like Black Mafia Family, Chamber Brothers, Best Friends in the late 80s to early nineties. And if there's any now working the streets of Detroit. Writing a report for WSU on the History of Organized Crime in Detroit, Any Info or pictures, or true stories of experiences, would be Great.

  14. #14


    i really don't understand why people care about spelling or capitalization, I'm pretty sure i made WSU capitalized because its an abbreviation and a place. No reason for you guys to make snotty remarks or be a-holes, i figured somebody on here would have reasonably good information. thanks a alot

  15. #15


    I agree, using DYes as a source isn't going to get you very far. However, taking some ideas some ideas or names of mobsters mentioned here and then doing your own research could help.

  16. #16


    They are using us as a source for LEADS, which can then be followed up with real documentable sources.

    Anyone who complains about this procedure is beyond the pale.

    Good luck, Mystic. There are anecdotes abounding everywhere you ask...this was a great move, despite your naysayers. Keep it up, and DO let us know what you discover, and can prove.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by MysticalHalf View Post
    i really don't understand why people care about spelling or capitalization
    And your profs are OK with that? Not to mention your Google/wiki approach to research?

  18. #18


    Why should anyone spend their valuable time and effort on you, when you cannot be bothered by making your posts readable? Every couple of months some student comes here and begs the collective minds to do their homework for them. You offer nothing in return. Not common courtesy. Not intellectual curiosity. Not proper spelling, grammar or punctuation.

    Moreover, when pointed out your 8th grade level mistakes, instead of correcting them, you go out of your way to call people snarky aholes. I am having a difficult time recalling a more glaringly infantile response.

    In conclusion, this is not twitter, the freep comment section nor a bathroom stall. Everyone is expected to use basic writing skills to get their point across. And while your point is localed between your shoulders, you should take this moment and rethink your career path.

    Something in the manual trades might be more apt for your meager skill sets.

  19. #19


    i really don't understand why people care about spelling or capitalization
    You're going to have a short-lived academic career if that's the case. Jesus, the rest of us learned this in second-grade. How hard is it to follow something this simple? I can't believe people whine about making the effort to write their own native language halfway properly.

  20. #20


    Once again, Gannon speaks wisely.

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Ray1936 View Post
    Once again, Gannon speaks wisely.

    A simple please and thank you from the original poster would have been most appropriate when asking for help.

  22. #22


    The schooling always continues, if one lets it.

    Mystic, I would heed these warnings...and perhaps bone up on your communication skills.

    Of course, you are probably glaring at your computer screen the way the Fifth Element did before she put her hand through the already-etched glass on the DNA-recovery machine in that now-classic sci-fi movie, when that same remark was harshly directed at her. Mine is not so harsh...but rather an encouragement.

    Grammar IS important. Without it communication is inexact...imprecise...and even the most wonderful thoughts are rendered ugly by abusing it.

    You will benefit from taking these critiques humbly and learning from them.

    For example, by capitalizing some of the concepts you propose, you grant them respect that they are usually otherwise denied. This is on purpose, since the subject you are attempting to study is in direct opposition to civilized society.

    As IF I can be a critic...most of what I ponder nowadays seems at least opposed to the federal government. Heh, I took out the caps in that.


  23. #23


    Everyone is expected to use basic writing skills to get their point across.

    Correction: Everyone is expected to use basic writing skills to his point across.

  24. #24


    Upon conducting your Google search, check out Young Boy's inc, PA's [[a.k.a) Purtain Avenue Gang, the Chambers Brothers and The Pony Downs. All of these organized criminal enterprises consisted of young black men whom made millions, ruled the streets of not just Detroit, but expanded to other states.

  25. #25


    Watch your back though, Mystic, the reporter from the San Jose Mercury News got a bunch of heat when HIS studies led to probable CIA involvement in modern inner-city drug activity.

    Last edited by Gannon; September-28-09 at 02:03 PM.

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