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  1. #1

    Default Detroiter looks to internet for escape


    Now that The Detroit News has picked up the story, I bet this guy stands a much better chance of getting what he needs to bounce out. Good luck Sean.

    More and more stories are coming to light of people who are trapped and need to get out of the city. I wish them all luck. I could only begin to imagine how hard it must be for some people with no resources whatsoever.

    FIXED _ ty jcole
    Last edited by TKshreve; September-25-09 at 10:42 AM.

  2. #2


    TK, you've got an extra 'http' in your URL, so it won't open.
    Detroit Focuses on Escape

  3. #3


    What? Why would anyone want to leave Detroit? It's the most incredible city in the world: safer than the suburbs, low taxes, good schools, superb services, a thriving downtown. [[JK, but some people on this forum really need to stop drinking the Kool-Aid and stop criticizing anyone who even dares to say a negative thing about the city.)

  4. #4
    Retroit Guest


    Poor Sean Bush. He wants to flee to one of those evil suburbs in the WORST part of town. Clearly he is uneducated or he would know that the suburbs are "unsustainable". Go ahead, Sean, go live in your evil Pulte McMansion, go drive your evil automobile, go shop at evil WallMart and the evil shopping malls. Once you see how horrible it is out in the suburbs, you will be rushing back to Detroit.

    [[Drink Kool-Aid, adjust blinders.)

  5. #5


    Someone made the comment on the Time blog thread that Time Inc is only setting up shop there to mock Detroit for a national audience. What's the difference between Detroit being mocked by a national publication, and Detroit being mocked by the local media?

    Time has done more thorough stories about Detroit's decline than I've ever seen in a Detroit area based publication......

  6. #6


    A middle-aged pipefitter would seem an unlikely subject of sympathy.
    since when is 36 considered middle aged?

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Retroit View Post
    Poor Sean Bush. He wants to flee to one of those evil suburbs in the WORST part of town. Clearly he is uneducated or he would know that the suburbs are "unsustainable". Go ahead, Sean, go live in your evil Pulte McMansion, go drive your evil automobile, go shop at evil WallMart and the evil shopping malls. Once you see how horrible it is out in the suburbs, you will be rushing back to Detroit.

    [[Drink Kool-Aid, adjust blinders.)
    Did you even read the article? He wants to go to California...

  8. #8


    So is Sean going to share his internet take with the bank he owes 80,000 dollars to?

  9. #9


    36 x 2 = 72. So if 72 is "old age" then 36 is middle age. It is in the middle of "0" [[birth) and 72 which is "old".

  10. #10
    Bearinabox Guest


    I basically see this as cyber-panhandling, and as such am inclined to give Mr. Bush the same response I give any panhandler: a curt "no" or "sorry" tossed over my shoulder as I go on about my business. I guess if other people think donating to his website is the best use for their money, that's up to them.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by thnk2mch View Post
    So is Sean going to share his internet take with the bank he owes 80,000 dollars to?
    How did that even happen? Could his house really have depreciated that much? If he owes $80,000, then he must have bought it some time ago. I would think by now he has paid off at least $10,000 of the principal. A $90,000 house into a $5,000 house. That's really, really bad.

  12. #12
    Retroit Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by iheartthed View Post
    Did you even read the article? He wants to go to California...
    ...to take a course. I never got the impression he intended to stay there. I presume he will come back to his home town to live near his mother if he can find a job somewhere around here. But I doubt he will live in the City of Detroit and will instead choose to live in an evil suburb.

  13. #13


    Blow up the picture. Cut your lawn and pick up the trash. You cant live there but said your mother still is.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by TKshreve View Post
    How did that even happen? Could his house really have depreciated that much? If he owes $80,000, then he must have bought it some time ago. I would think by now he has paid off at least $10,000 of the principal. A $90,000 house into a $5,000 house. That's really, really bad.
    Not unusual in Detroit.

    A good friend of mine bought his house for over $100,000 several years ago in a decent west side neighborhood, and is, of course, still paying on it. The house next door to his has been for sale for 2 years, they're now asking $30,000 [[and would take less) with no takers in sight.
    Last edited by EastsideAl; September-25-09 at 01:37 PM.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Retroit View Post
    ...to take a course. I never got the impression he intended to stay there. I presume he will come back to his home town to live near his mother if he can find a job somewhere around here. But I doubt he will live in the City of Detroit and will instead choose to live in an evil suburb.
    He said he cannot find a job... in the Detroit area... Even though he is a "skilled pipefitter". He doesn't need to go 3,000 miles to take a course to be an EMT, RN or whatever. He could do that right there in Detroit.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by szla View Post
    Blow up the picture. Cut your lawn and pick up the trash. You cant live there but said your mother still is.
    I got the impression that his mother lives elsewhere in the city, or at least in a different home. Granted, her home may not be all that safe either.

  17. #17
    Sludgedaddy Guest


    Panhandling on the internet?....Great idea !!! I heard the Amish are soliciting sperm and egg donors to deepen their limited gene pool over the medium that Al gore invented.

  18. #18


    Unemployment in California is pretty bad, his $90,000 house would cost $600,000 out there [[it would have been $800K before the real estate crash), and he'd still have a big debt to deal with after he moves. And I wonder why he doesn't mow his lawn.

  19. #19


    Maybe mowing the lawn is a security risk, if your home is surrounded by abandoned houses that aren't being cared for, then having a nice clean looking yard is large flashing beacon that your house may actually have something left worth stealing. Or the this guy is just plain lazy. Who knows.

  20. #20


    I hope he finds a happy ending. At least he's not asking for some outrageous amount.
    Last edited by LeannaM; September-28-09 at 01:46 AM.

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