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  1. #101


    Canada has agreed to ensure we have a secure Northern Border, and to finally end the deadly scourge of drugs like Fentanyl that have been pouring into our Country, killing hundreds of thousands of Americans, while destroying their families and communities all across our Country.

    Canada will implement their $1.3 Billion Border plan, and as per Prime Minister Trudeau, will be, “reinforcing the Border with new choppers, technology and personnel, enhanced coordination with our American partners, and increased resources to stop the flow of fentanyl. Nearly 10,000 frontline personnel are, and will be, working on protecting the Border. In addition, Canada is making new commitments to appoint a Fentanyl Czar, we will list cartels as terrorists, ensure 24/7 eyes on the Border, launch a Canada-U.S. Joint Strike Force to combat organized crime, fentanyl and money laundering. I have also signed a new intelligence directive on organized crime and fentanyl, and we will be backing it with $200 million.”

    As President, it is my responsibility to ensure the safety of ALL Americans, and I am doing just that. I am very pleased with this initial outcome, and the Tariffs announced on Saturday will be paused for a 30 day period to see whether or not a final Economic deal with Canada can be structured. FAIRNESS FOR ALL!

  2. #102


    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelAnthonyVideos View Post
    I'm an independent and support the office regardless of the political party. It's my personal choice and belief. I wouldn't degrade a President with name calling and insults, even when I disagree.
    You have every right to do that, but surely you support my right to do the opposite?

  3. #103


    Being a Democratic Republic gives us the RIGHT to question our leaders; that is the point of free and open election as well as impeachment if we feel that leader is not doing the best for his country; leader can also be charged with treason if he sells us out to another country orr anyone. We do NOT have to support Dear Leader in the United States of America. Look for another country if that is what you think
    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelAnthonyVideos View Post
    You should stand by your leader and I will stand by mine. It’s not going to change because of your insulting post to me.

  4. #104


    Well that would be because the tariffs haven't taken effect yet. They will tomorrow.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post

    What the dingbats in the media and AOC fail to notice is the president's tariffs haven't affected pricing hardly at all.

  5. #105


    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelAnthonyVideos View Post
    I defend any Commander in Chief. Our Constitution states that we have a Constitutional duty to do so....
    Yes, right after the clause in our Constitution that states the existence of fairies and unicorns. But the mainstream media won't tell you about that one either. That's how we know the mainstream media is lying.

    Did I get it right? Can I have some Kool-Aid now? LOL!

  6. #106


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    Well that would be because the tariffs haven't taken effect yet. They will tomorrow.
    Tariffs deferred at least 30 days.

    The suggestion from Trump et al. will be that substantial border security concessions were made, they were not.

    Some carefully misleading info put out there.........but really Canada agreed to not much....spending and additional 200M per year and hiring or naming a Fentanyl Czar.

    That and we'll lease 2 choppers from the U.S. for border security purposes.


    While its nice that there won't be in any tariffs.......for now.

    This nonsense is not without lasting consequences.

    Businesses and individuals are now less kindly disposed towards the U.S., less trusting and more skeptical.

    Whatever happens next, that will take years to undo.

    Of course, we may be revisiting this all again in 30 days..... who knows.


  7. #107


    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
    Some carefully misleading info put out there.........but really Canada agreed to not much....spending and additional 200M per year and hiring or naming a Fentanyl Czar.
    I'm applying for that. I always wanted to be a Czar eh. Plus since virtually no fentanyl is crossing the border anyway it sounds like a pretty easy gig.
    Mexico agreed to put 10,000 troops at the border permanently. There have already been 15,000 there for several years. If this whole thing was a Saturday Night Live skit people would say it was just too silly.

  8. #108


    Quote Originally Posted by 401don View Post
    ...If this whole thing was a Saturday Night Live skit people would say it was just too silly.
    If I didn't know better by religious certainty, I'd say that Maralago Mussolini was manipulating stock markets for self-aggrandizement. The oldest grift in capitalism.

  9. #109


    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post
    If I didn't know better by religious certainty, I'd say that Maralago Mussolini was manipulating stock markets for self-aggrandizement. The oldest grift in capitalism.
    I wouldn't put it past him, as grifting is his life, but if he is we are unlikely to find out anytime soon. Honestly if he wanted to rattle the markets to his own advantage he could do a lot more than he did this time--he could have actually implemented the tariffs, and then taken them off in few days.

  10. #110


    Quote Originally Posted by mwilbert View Post
    I wouldn't put it past him, as grifting is his life, but if he is we are unlikely to find out anytime soon. Honestly if he wanted to rattle the markets to his own advantage he could do a lot more than he did this time--he could have actually implemented the tariffs, and then taken them off in few days.

    His ambition there went the way of Chump U, Chump steaks and Chump Casino.

  11. #111


    Quote Originally Posted by 401don View Post
    ...Plus since virtually no fentanyl is crossing the border anyway it sounds like a pretty easy gig.
    It would be simpler to cut off the cocaine pipeline to Don Jr., and the opium for Melania.

  12. #112


    Quote Originally Posted by mwilbert View Post
    ...we are unlikely to find out anytime soon.
    If ever, since there's no FBI left.

  13. #113


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    Well that would be because the tariffs haven't taken effect yet. They will tomorrow.
    I think that's unlikely.

    They are a tool to get what the country needs. If they are big enough, and the other country believes you'll do it, they will capitulate.

    If you notice, a good deal of the threatened tariffs have already achieved what the president wants, and have been paused or taken off the table.

    on top of that, much of the tariff cost increase must be eaten by the other country, or else they can;t sell their goods at all. The Chinese government has been paying for most of our tariffs on them.

    So when you factor in the tariffs that won't actually happen, and foreign manufacturers and governments having to eat much of the costs, the resulting price increases will be minor. And next to nothing compared to the intentional 30% increase in food [eggs are up 200%]. 27% increase in housing prices, etc that we saw over the last 4 years. Somehow I didn't see much in here about that lately.

    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    as impeachment if we feel that leader is not doing the best for his country; leader can also be charged with treason if he sells us out to another country orr anyone.
    But that leader just gave himself immunity on his way out the door. And for his entire family and many of their co-conspirators. I'm not sure we can try them for treason at this point, even though he sold us out to China, Ukraine etc.

    Best to move on, fix the damage, and let God deal with them.
    Last edited by Rocket; February-03-25 at 11:04 PM.

  14. #114


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
    I think that's unlikely.

    They are a tool to get what the country needs. If they are big enough, and the other country believes you'll do it, they will capitulate.

    If you notice, a good deal of the threatened tariffs have already achieved what the president wants, and have been paused or taken off the table.....
    Do you really believe that? IF so, you should seek professional medical assistance.

    The President didn't achieve anything.

    In Columbia he got a country that accepted well more than 100 flights of deportees the year prior......to continue accepting them, like always.

    With Mexico and Canada, he got agreements to have the same number of border personnel that were already in place.

    You're being taken for a ride.

  15. #115


    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
    Do you really believe that? IF so, you should seek professional medical assistance.

    The President didn't achieve anything.

    In Columbia he got a country that accepted well more than 100 flights of deportees the year prior......to continue accepting them, like always.

    With Mexico and Canada, he got agreements to have the same number of border personnel that were already in place.

    You're being taken for a ride.
    On Fox “News” they will scream that Mexico and Canada “caved,” even though as you say they basically agreed to what they already agreed to. And the cult will lap it up. So that was the plan all along.

  16. #116


    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post

    The President didn't achieve anything.

    In Columbia he got a country that accepted well more than 100 flights of deportees the year prior......to continue accepting them, like always.
    Always with the insults. Classy.

    100 some a year is only 2 a week. We need to add a zero to that.

    Question? What did Columbia do when the president started ramping up the flights and filling them with violent criminals?

    They refused to let them land right?

    Then, after the tariff threat, the Colombian president not only let them land, but he sent his own planes to pick them up. Figure $290k a flight that this saves us taxpayers.

    You forgot to mention that part.
    Last edited by Rocket; February-03-25 at 11:13 PM.

  17. #117


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
    Always with the insults. Classy.

    100 some a year is only 2 a week. We need to add a zero to that.
    Which you [[the U.S.) neither can, nor will.

    A large percentage of those publicly rounded up by ICE the last 2 weeks have been released back into the U.S. as you lack sufficient detention facilities to hold them.

    Its theatre.


    Worth saying......The president, with full control of Congress has the means to have illegals remove themselves within months.....all he has to do is mandate E-Verify for every employer, insuring that you can only hire someone legally permitted to work in the U.S. ......

    Don't hold your breath on that happening.

  18. #118


    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post
    .all he has to do is mandate E-Verify for every employer, insuring that you can only hire someone legally permitted to work in the U.S. ......

    Don't hold your breath on that happening.
    We'll have to wait a few months to see how many illegals being deported per month. The current admin is not even 1/2 a month old.

    But I think some of that IS happening.

    Last week ICE raided the chicken processing plants in central Mississippi and nabbed something like 650 illegals. [700 were arrested in the same plants in Trump's first term].

    Those plants have a terrible history of worker treatment. They call ICE when they want rid of an illegal worker. Don't work fast enough? They call ICE and have the entire family deported, and ICE ignores the other 100 illegals in the surrounding shacks.

  19. #119


    Quote Originally Posted by Vic01 View Post
    You have every right to do that, but surely you support my right to do the opposite?
    If you want to trash the President why would it matter if I support that?

  20. #120


    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian Visitor View Post

    Worth saying......The president, with full control of Congress has the means to have illegals remove themselves within months.....all he has to do is mandate E-Verify for every employer, insuring that you can only hire someone legally permitted to work in the U.S. ......

    Don't hold your breath on that happening.
    You are absolutely correct. The fact that the government, under Republicans and under Democrats, has not been willing to implement mandatory E-Verify for 30 years--it came online in 1996--bespeaks a lack of seriousness. As you say, they want the theatre, not to do something that would actually work.

    Of course, if they DID do that, the economy would have a serious problem as we in fact need those workers, and they'd have to face up to the need for real immigration reform. Which is probably one reason they don't do it.
    Last edited by mwilbert; February-04-25 at 09:03 AM.

  21. #121


    Regarding the U.S. massive problem with illegal immigration, I know this is oversimplifying, but wouldn't it be easier and better for all concerned to allow anyone who is in the country as of a specified date to remain with a green card and pathway to citizenship after background checks, and make it clear anyone arriving illegally after that date will receive no gov't benefits and be deported. Anyone caught hiring people without authorization will be prosecuted.

  22. #122


    Quote Originally Posted by 401don View Post
    Regarding the U.S. massive problem with illegal immigration, I know this is oversimplifying, but wouldn't it be easier and better for all concerned to allow anyone who is in the country as of a specified date to remain with a green card and pathway to citizenship after background checks, and make it clear anyone arriving illegally after that date will receive no gov't benefits and be deported. Anyone caught hiring people without authorization will be prosecuted.
    You need to go back to the 1986 immigration reforms under Regan which sound a lot like what you propose above.

    - a one-time large scale amnesty

    - followed, in theory, by cracking down on employers / future illegals.



    Now, a couple of points.

    1) E-Verify didn't exist in 1986, mandatory or otherwise.

    2) The U.S./Mexico border was more porous

    3) The U.S. didn't really get the legal path to immigration side right.

    4) Penalties were insufficiently stiff in some cases and spotty in their enforcement.

  23. #123

  24. #124


    Baghdad Bob Confirms

  25. #125


    I'm going to give Americans another perspective on the current trade war. It's uniquely Canadian so don't worry if it sounds confusing. Much of the current dispute between our two nations can be laid at the feet of Canada's second largest province and the lengths the Trudeau mafia has gone to appease it's demands. It's no secret over here that Trudeau has repeatedly sacrificed Canada's national interests at the feet of Quebec nationalism. Even before Trump's arrival, Trudeaus' policy of putting his home province in all matters first poisoned relations between Ottawa and the provinces, most notably Alberta and Saskatchewan. Trump was merely an opportunist who took advantage of Canada's own disunity and weak federal leadership to get as many concessions as possible for America. I'm not defending Trump or endorsing his actions but let's not forget who set the stage for this dumb trade war.

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