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  1. #1

    Default UM's lease expansion in new District Detroit tower delays affordable housing plans

    The Ilitch family's Olympia Development of Michigan and Stephen Ross's New York City-based Related Cos. says eliminating the affordable units at 2205 Cass Ave. comes at the request of UM.

    UM has signed a letter of intent to lease all of the residential units in the tower "on a long-term basis," according to a statement from the university. It's pending Board of Regents approval.

    Of the 261 units expected in the 18-story building that has yet to start construction at 2205 Cass Ave., 54 were to be deemed affordable at 40% to 50% of the Area Median Income. The overall number of affordable units in the broader District Detroit area is expected to remain the same — approximately 139 — but spread across different buildings.

    "We are pleased to support the UMCI by delivering on their request for dedicated graduate student and faculty housing, which we look forward to beginning construction on this year," ODM and Related said in a statement. "This plan will create more than 1,000 construction jobs in the city and generate additional positive economic impact in The District Detroit and the city of Detroit. We plan to honor our commitment to create 139 affordable units in future residential projects in The District Detroit and continue to contribute to the growth of the city."

  2. #2


    The words 'housing' and 'District Detroit' should never be used together!!

  3. #3


    That is why those' Leeches' are not real estate developers.

  4. #4


    So the affordable housing gets pushed off to delayed future buildings that will likely never be built, and the oligarchs get to keep most of their tax captures anyway. Who's surprised?

  5. #5


    Bait and switch from Ilitch. How does he keep getting the opportunity to rob the public?

  6. #6

  7. #7


    As bad as the Ilitch family is, and they're BAD, I could not care less about their promise to build "affordable housing". We have too much of that already in this city. The deal should have never been contingent on setting aside units for below market rates.

    I say release them from this burden all together and see if anything gets built. We need NICE buildings targeted towards professionals who would consider moving into the city more than anything else.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Zads07 View Post
    Bait and switch from Ilitch. How does he keep getting the opportunity to rob the public?
    Because ever since the 1980’s, when Saint Ronnie had a staring role in playing President, we’ve glorified trickle up economics by shoveling tax dollars to the already wealthy. And now with the oligarchs more firmly in control, it will only accelerate.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by DetroiterOnTheWestCoast View Post
    Because ever since the 1980’s, when Saint Ronnie had a staring role in playing President, we’ve glorified trickle up economics by shoveling tax dollars to the already wealthy. And now with the oligarchs more firmly in control, it will only accelerate.

    Is West Palm Beach, where you live, building affordable housing?

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    Is West Palm Beach, where you live, building affordable housing?
    It’s a mere 2,564 mile drive from my house to West Palm Beach. But I digress. There are numerous affordable projects being built in my area.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    Is West Palm Beach, where you live, building affordable housing?
    I know eh? The federal minimum wage is at a firm 7.50 per hour. I watched the confirmation hearings this week where the nominee stated he definitely wouldn't change that so why don't these people just stop complaining and rent an apartment?

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by 401don View Post
    ... why don't these people just stop complaining and rent an apartment?
    Wait. Wait. Besides yourself, who's complaining? And what does West Palm Beach have to do with anything?

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    Wait. Wait. Besides yourself, who's complaining? And what does West Palm Beach have to do with anything?
    Maybe I'm way off base. In my country, where the federal minimum wage is 17.30 per hour, plenty of people are complaining they can't afford rent.

  14. #14


    Don't remember the article, but the rate of homeless and employed is rising overall. Honestly just tired of the Illitches overall. Bait and switching and scamming the city for decades now. If anything gets built in the next 5 years I'd be very surprised.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by 401don View Post
    Maybe I'm way off base. In my country, where the federal minimum wage is 17.30 per hour, plenty of people are complaining they can't afford rent.
    So it sure must be worse in America than Canada, no?

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Zads07 View Post
    So it sure must be worse in America than Canada, no?
    Didn't say worse. Just said people trying to make it on minimum wage are complaining about a shortage of affordable housing in both countries. Do you disagree? Jimaz seems to think I'm the only one complaining, which I wasn't. I was simply pointing out the obvious, that it is a problem.
    Last edited by 401don; February-03-25 at 06:43 PM.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by 401don View Post
    Didn't say worse. Just said people trying to make it on minimum wage are complaining about a shortage of affordable housing in both countries. Do you disagree? Jimaz seems to think I'm the only one complaining, which I wasn't. I was simply pointing out the obvious, that it is a problem.
    The obvious that people should stop complaining and rent an apartment? It's hard to do if you're making federal minimum wage and the cost of living is too expensive to even rent a place.

    Having lower income housing will help with that though our federal government not increasing the minimum wage since 2009 is BONKERS crazy.

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