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  1. #1

    Default More Sheetz and Giggles!

    Both Farmington Hills and Livonia voted for heaven sakes NO on proposed Sheetz Truck Stop Gas Station location. One proposed on 12 Mile Rd. And Orchard Lake Rd. in Farmington Hills, MI. and the other at W. 8 Mile Rd. and Newburgh Rd. in Livonia, MI.

    Here is the source.



    Sheetz is not giving up yet it planning to make more of their Truck Stop Gas Stations all over Michigan.

    I will say to them ' Not in my neighborhood.'

  2. #2


    Sheetz has selected some terrible locations in communities that would have otherwise welcomed them with open arms. Whomever is doing their site selection work should be fired.


  3. #3


    Thank you, Livonia and Farmington Hills, City Council for saving your city from those corporate yahoos that tried to compete against Conoco-Phillips.

    Corporate family yahoo is Sheetz is worried that we don't conquer Michigan by putting up our gas stations in their towns, Conoco-Phillips will.
    Last edited by Danny; January-28-25 at 10:13 AM.

  4. #4


    The Coney Wars are on. It is amusing to watch the next door rival exploit a hot news story. Watch out for a retaliation rat tail showing up in an American coney?

    Name:  Screenshot 2025-01-28 at 10.15.13 AM.jpg
Views: 375
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    "The owner of one of Detroit's best known side-by-side - and rival - coney island hot dog shops called a news conference and forcefully expressed her concerns with a rodent problem in her next-door neighbor's eatery.

    “I'm pissed,” Grace Keros said Monday morning inside American Coney Island at 114 W. Lafayette Blvd., at times sparring with reporters. She wanted folks to know for those who might not - her shop and Lafayette Coney Island are “totally different.”

  5. #5


    Mr. Boileau,

    What's this is got to do with Sheetz? Are the Coneys are better clean and rat free then American Coney Island and Lafayette's? As for right now the owner of A.C.I. is MAD! that her rival Coney Island next door is loaded with rat turds. And it puts Detroiters and Suburbanites in the mindset of what the news media is saying about the tale of two Coney Island Restaurants. My Coneys are better than your Coneys because your I make mine Coneys out of beef not, rat turds like the one next door.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    Both Farmington Hills and Livonia voted for heaven sakes NO on proposed Sheetz Truck Stop Gas Station location. One proposed on 12 Mile Rd. And Orchard Lake Rd. in Farmington Hills, MI. and the other at W. 8 Mile Rd. and Newburgh Rd. in Livonia, MI.

    Here is the source.



    Sheetz is not giving up yet it planning to make more of their Truck Stop Gas Stations all over Michigan.

    I will say to them ' Not in my neighborhood.'

    You're in-correct on the location in Farmington Hills that was voted down. It was at 12 Mile and Middlebelt where the old Ginopolis restaurant was at.

  7. #7


    Never have seen a Sheetz but down in FL, they're opening Wawa's all over the place. I think that is a similar business model to Sheetz. Wawa actually has pretty decent food. It's a definite cut above the average gas station fare they have around here.

  8. #8


    I go to Sheetz on my annual trip to Pennsylvania. They are great. Great food, made to order, good prices on gas, very clean large bathrooms. The gas station scene is owned by a cabal that doesn't want any competition, and are fueling these anti-Sheetz efforts. They don't want any competition for their tiny, filthy, lame stations.

  9. #9


    Highland TWP board may approve a Sheetz location in M-59 and Milford Rd.


    That's fine by me.

  10. #10


    City of Warren has approved a Sheetz Truck Stop location on 12 Mile Rd and Mound Rd. But will lose Victory Bar and Grill and the Auto Mechanic Shop will close. 12 Mile Rd. and Mound Rd.

    Last edited by Danny; February-06-25 at 05:31 PM.

  11. #11


    AFAIK Victory Bar and Grill were there since WW2 as watering hole for the Arsenal.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    City of Warren has approved a Sheetz Truck Stop location on 12 Mile Rd and Mound Rd.
    Encourage more truck traffic on Mound Road. Then they'll act all surprised when the new road they just built is a crumbling mess in 15 years.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by sirrealone View Post
    ... road they just built is a crumbling mess in 15 years.
    Yeah, Sisyphus Construction fixes a span, then it's time to start again. It's steady, honest work for organized crime.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post
    Yeah, Sisyphus Construction fixes a span, then it's time to start again. It's steady, honest work for organized crime.
    Fix the same roads over and over again. That's the Michigan mantra...

  15. #15


    I suppose tank treads would be out of the question.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by sirrealone View Post
    Encourage more truck traffic on Mound Road. Then they'll act all surprised when the new road they just built is a crumbling mess in 15 years.

    It'll take less time than that.

  17. #17


    Waterford TWP. and Madison Heights City Council say OH HELL NO to Sheetz.

    Macomb TWP. say yes to Sheetz. It will be on Hall M-59 'Stroad.'

    A Proposed Sheetz location will be a 14 Mile Rd and Coolidge HWY in Royal Oak. That will be very dangerous area for traffic congestions. I hope Royal Oak City Council will say NO NO NO!!!

    Sheetz Truck Stop Gas Stations should be out in rural areas next to freeways. Not in our neighborhoods.

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    ... I hope Royal Oak City Council will say NO NO NO!!!
    In a few more days, bribes will be legalized. The sheeple will be Sheetz out of luck.

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post
    In a few more days, bribes will be legalized. The sheeple will be Sheetz out of luck.

    They approved it.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    Sheetz Truck Stop Gas Stations should be out in rural areas next to freeways. Not in our neighborhoods.

    No Sheetz.

  21. #21


    Royal Oak [[Or should I say Royal Joke!) City Council has approved a Sheetz Location on 14 Mile Rd and Coolidge HWY.


    Now this corner near a neighborhood will be so congested with more traffic. And the owner of the Gas Station on the corner will has to move away soon.

    This is horrible, the whole city council should be recalled!

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