The flow of words, photos and videos from Time mag's $99K house in the West Village has begun, as NY Times biz columnist David Carr comments on here today.On Time's site, correspondent Steven Gray launches his Letter from Detroit blog [[promoted in an index headline with the question in my subject line).As a reporter, I haven’t seen anything like modern Detroit since covering Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.And in the Oct. 5 issue, going online this Friday, the D gets cover story treatment in a piece by Detroit native Daniel Okrent, a former editor and writer for Time Inc., and past public editor for The New York Times.When I moved here last month from Chicago, Detroit felt, in many ways, like New Orleans, my hometown, in the months following Hurricane Katrina. . . .
Both cities played vital roles in the nation's economic and cultural development. Both are examples of American failure, but also of platforms of potential. Detroiters I've met in recent weeks have been surprisingly optimistic about the region. . . .
Our goal here on The Detroit Blog isn't to rehash clichéd stories about the region's problems. Some of that's unavoidable.
Hope he shares some of that surprising optimism instead of trying to wring out another Katrina image.