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  1. #1

    Default Councilwoman Angela Whitfield Calloway berated a man for calling a Homophobe


    Yesterday, during a public meeting, I was berated by Councilwoman Calloway after I called a woman an "old bag" in response to her making extremely homophobic, Westboro Baptist Church-like comments. These remarks were targeted at Councilwoman Santiago Romero for being part of the LGBTQ+ community. While I acknowledge that my response was inappropriate and regretful, I am deeply disappointed in Councilwoman Calloway's refusal to condemn the hateful comments directed at her colleague.

  2. #2


    Just following your country's supreme leader, and entire Party for that matter.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by shawring View Post

    Yesterday, during a public meeting, I was berated by Councilwoman Calloway after I called a woman an "old bag" in response to her making extremely homophobic, Westboro Baptist Church-like comments. These remarks were targeted at Councilwoman Santiago Romero for being part of the LGBTQ+ community. While I acknowledge that my response was inappropriate and regretful, I am deeply disappointed in Councilwoman Calloway's refusal to condemn the hateful comments directed at her colleague.
    I watched the old bag’s vitriol. There’s no hate like “Christian Love.”

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by shawring View Post

    Yesterday, during a public meeting, I was berated by Councilwoman Calloway after I called a woman an "old bag" in response to her making extremely homophobic, Westboro Baptist Church-like comments. These remarks were targeted at Councilwoman Santiago Romero for being part of the LGBTQ+ community. While I acknowledge that my response was inappropriate and regretful, I am deeply disappointed in Councilwoman Calloway's refusal to condemn the hateful comments directed at her colleague.
    you are saying that your response was inappropriate and regrettable but you keep the same in the heading in this post and on the YouTube then you take it even further by calling her a Westboro Baptist Church like comments.

    So you are saying you have a right to your beliefs but she did not because it offended you ?

    She said there is only a man and woman ,so what that’s what she believes and she has a right to just as you have a right to not believe in it.

    What would you like to do,send her to conversion therapy so she sees the world as you do? Or maybe a re-education camp?

    From the limited context provided in the video,she was on a rant and did not single you out personally,that’s the difference,you choose to single her out and gave it relevance.

    It’s not like the forum she was in was acting for the most part in a serious professional manner that city business is.

    in your YouTube hashtags why did you put maga ? are you racist against those who do not think like you ?

    You are doing the same thing you are accusing her of doing - so you both are wrong in that sense.

    in the video she was not singling anybody out that was there,if the council woman was not lgbt or whatever would her rant had any relevance?

    Unless you believe somebody that is lgbt deserves special treatment when the constitution says every citizen is supposed to be treated equally,she also ranted about Jews and Blacks,did not see any of them triggered.
    Last edited by Richard; January-23-25 at 06:23 PM.

  5. #5


    Richard seems like a MAGA POS

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by shawring View Post
    Richard seems like a MAGA POS
    A homophobic MAGA POS.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by shawring View Post
    Richard seems like a MAGA POS
    you seem to have some deeply ingrained issues.

    Why did you say you were out of line in your response to the lady you did not agree with,when you do not agree with me you take the same stance of attacking .

    You seem like a racist homosexual that is not comfortable with who he it it or them they are .

    You should put your big girl panties on and wake up to the fact that the world does not revolve around individuals,even more so when they are carrying a massive chip on their shoulder.

    You do not deserve any special treatment any more than she does.
    Last edited by Richard; January-23-25 at 07:28 PM.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by DetroiterOnTheWestCoast View Post
    There’s no hate like “Christian Love.”
    That love goes back at least to the Inquisitions. And it's coming to a theocracy near you, if the NAR project succeeds in this country.

    New Apostolic Reformation - Wikipedia

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by DetroiterOnTheWestCoast View Post
    I watched the old bag’s vitriol. There’s no hate like “Christian Love.”
    his response would disagree with that because he matched it,so how are they not the same? Just two different sides of a coin.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    his response would disagree with that because he matched it,so how are they not the same? Just two different sides of a coin.
    How are they not the same? Calling someone a name for their bigotry, where they are trying to legislate and limit rights on that bigotry, is not the same as the bigotry itself. A simple concept but perhaps not simple enough for you since you think it is all the same.

  11. #11


    Live City Council video: Channel 10

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by southen View Post
    How are they not the same? Calling someone a name for their bigotry, where they are trying to legislate and limit rights on that bigotry, is not the same as the bigotry itself. A simple concept but perhaps not simple enough for you since you think it is all the same.
    so do you think the appropriate response to bigotry is to reply with bigotry?

    She has a constitutional right of free speech,nobody has the self proclaimed right to police her words because they did not like them,that’s why his phone call was terminated.

    His response to me was exactly the same as to hers,he did not like what he heard so he came back with bigotry.

    Once again,why would he put maga as a hash tag on the YouTube ,so he is racist or a bigot against those who may have opposing views,so yes he is no different then she was.

    People create drama and situations so they can post it in social media and make money off of clicks.

    Look at his hashtags,it had nothing to do with calling out bigotry,he has serious issues with opposing views.

    My guess from the actions is he expects the freedom of speech that he wishes to deny others ,while hiding behind the bigotry card,people say things others do not like all the time.

    She did not direct the rant at him personally but he chose to direct his rant at her personally and included age discrimination in his reply,it’s a case of when 2 bigots collide,it’s totally irrelevant what his sexuality is,and he used that as leverage in order to justify his actions,which were just as bad as hers.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    Live City Council video: Channel 10
    Why were they having that meeting with public input via phone calls ?

    It seems like a lazy way for people to get involved,normally you use a phone call to contact your specific representative but a public meeting the public is normally expected to make the effort to actually show up in person to have their voice and concerns heard in person by people that make an actual effort.

    Seems like with phone calls it’s just inviting every nut job to pick up a phone and waste city business with unnecessary drama.

    In the video presented by the OP,the guy in the center did try and approach it professionally that is required in that type of forum.

    Not just Detroit but a lot of these city council meetings have turned into a race to see who can provide the biggest crap show,city business is serious business and should be treated as such.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Bite me, Dick.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by 401don View Post
    Just following your country's supreme leader, and entire Party for that matter.
    Bingo! This is going to be quite a challenging 4 years...

  16. #16


    So this is a city council public comment section. It's for people to bring up their concerns with the city. Public services. Unfair laws. Crime. Social welfare. Public and private sector corruption. Detroit is rife with problems and the citizens need to be heard.

    The first person uses this valuable time to rant about nonsense.

    The second person uses this valuable time to rant about the first person.

    The council member uses their valuable time to rant about the second person.

    I don't see anyone in the right here. It's childish behavior all around.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Cincinnati_Kid View Post
    Bingo! This is going to be quite a challenging 4 years...
    Lol now you sound like the other side that said the last 4 was …

    To bad the radicals on both sides cannot give it a rest in the hopes that the others can sit down at the table and work things out for what is best for the country,but right out the gate it appears that it’s going to more of the same.

    People going out of their way to polarize and create enemies where they do not exist.
    Last edited by Richard; January-24-25 at 10:50 AM.

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Cincinnati_Kid View Post
    Bingo! This is going to be quite a challenging 4 years...
    That assumes we will have elections in four years. Or that the right wing disinformation machine and their oligarch allies, foreign and domestic, allow free and fair elections.

    There’s already a bill to repeal the two term limit constitutional amendment.

  19. #19


    Name:  frog.jpg
Views: 209
Size:  81.2 KB

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by DetroiterOnTheWestCoast View Post
    That assumes we will have elections in four years. Or that the right wing disinformation machine and their oligarch allies, foreign and domestic, allow free and fair elections.

    There’s already a bill to repeal the two term limit constitutional amendment.
    I would not fret much with that,it’s been tried so many times before,there is a reason one is not supposed to be messing with the constitution because then it opens Pandora’s box.

    If they for some miracle actually got it passed,then that opens the door to go after the 2A,so it’s not going to pass.

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by CassTechGrad View Post
    Is the "Good Book" Really So Good?


  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    so do you think the appropriate response to bigotry is to reply with bigotry?

    She has a constitutional right of free speech,nobody has the self proclaimed right to police her words because they did not like them,that’s why his phone call was terminated.

    His response to me was exactly the same as to hers,he did not like what he heard so he came back with bigotry.

    Once again,why would he put maga as a hash tag on the YouTube ,so he is racist or a bigot against those who may have opposing views,so yes he is no different then she was.

    People create drama and situations so they can post it in social media and make money off of clicks.

    Look at his hashtags,it had nothing to do with calling out bigotry,he has serious issues with opposing views.

    My guess from the actions is he expects the freedom of speech that he wishes to deny others ,while hiding behind the bigotry card,people say things others do not like all the time.

    She did not direct the rant at him personally but he chose to direct his rant at her personally and included age discrimination in his reply,it’s a case of when 2 bigots collide,it’s totally irrelevant what his sexuality is,and he used that as leverage in order to justify his actions,which were just as bad as hers.
    So calling someone displaying bigotry an "old bag" is now bigotry? So by your logic if anyone called Elon a name after displaying a Nazi salute they are just as bad?

    How long does it take to put on your clown makeup each morning?

  23. #23


    I hope you don't take insulin.
    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Lol now you sound like the other side that said the last 4 was …

    To bad the radicals on both sides cannot give it a rest in the hopes that the others can sit down at the table and work things out for what is best for the country,but right out the gate it appears that it’s going to more of the same.

    People going out of their way to polarize and create enemies where they do not exist.

  24. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by southen View Post
    So calling someone displaying bigotry an "old bag" is now bigotry? So by your logic if anyone called Elon a name after displaying a Nazi salute they are just as bad?

    How long does it take to put on your clown makeup each morning?
    so you would have been okay if she had called him a young fag ?

    Who voted for him to be the word police in the first place,he would have had to arrest himself.

    See and understand post #19 ,is there something about that you do not understand?
    Last edited by Richard; January-24-25 at 06:14 PM.

  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    I hope you don't take insulin.
    well bless your heart you are the wise one who has the seeing eye over 350 million

    But on the flip side thanks for looking out and no I do not take insulin and I hope you do not take lithium. But wonder.

    I am not the one freaking out over a rant that happened in a public forum that I was to lazy to attend or even say things directly to people’s face.

    But that’s the advantage of a random phone call or internet,you say things to and about others without the fear of getting punched in the face like would happen in real life.
    Last edited by Richard; January-24-25 at 06:11 PM.

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