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  1. #1

    Default Detroit homicides drop to 203 as crime declines

    From today's Free Press...

    Detroit saw a precipitous decline in the number of homicides and shootings in 2024 over the year before, continuing a trend of sliding violent crime since a pandemic-era spike, according to police data presented by city officials Friday.

    The number of homicides fell to 203 last year, down from 252 in 2023 - a 19% decline to the lowest rate in more than 50 years. Nonfatal shootings saw a 25% year-over decline, down to 606 in 2024 from 804 the year prior.
    The drop in homicides and shootings announced Friday was part of an overall decline in violent crime, a category that includes assaults and robberies. The total 11,826 violent offenses tallied by the department in 2024 represented a 7% reduction from the year prior.

    Property crime meanwhile fell 3% over the previous year, with a total of 28,797 offenses in 2024, according to the data presented.

    Much remains to be done but I like the direction.

  2. #2


    This substantial reduction in homicides could be the best news Detroit has had in a very long time if it can be continued. Crime and violent crime in particular is a major detriment to economic development in the city. If this success can be built on going forward with even lower crime stats in the near future It could open the door to many things including better school's, commercial and residential development on our abundant vacant land, increased tax revenues, the list is endless. People just want to live and work in safe communities above all else. A few years of a 25% reduction could be a real game changer. Keep up the good work DPD!
    Last edited by ABetterDetroit; January-08-25 at 11:14 PM.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by ABetterDetroit View Post
    Keep up the good work DPD!
    Not a DPD issue.

    What's the solve rate? That would be a DPD issue, either way.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    Not a DPD issue.

    What's the solve rate? That would be a DPD issue, either way.
    That makes no sense.

  5. #5


    Until a crime is reported to them, DPD has no involvement. Once it is, their clock starts ticking and they either solve it or don't.

  6. #6


    203 seems almost like a fantasy number compared to the mid-70's when it was over 700.
    But I must remember the population drop in Detroit in the last 50 years also seems like an unbelievable fantasy. Never did I dream what the course of my hometown would be.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    Until a crime is reported to them, DPD has no involvement. Once it is, their clock starts ticking and they either solve it or don't.
    Obviously you don't believe community policing affects crime but there are no repeat offenders? If you make more arrests leading to convictions and incarceration then those criminals aren't on the street murdering someone else.

  8. #8


    Still more brothers killing brothers in the ghetto. We can keep it down by teaching our families the golden rules.

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