Jason Hargrove Transit Center

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  1. #51


    Quote Originally Posted by takascar View Post
    Yes, look at the mess that Biden and the neo-Marxist democrats made of our country [[yes, and a lot of uniparty RINOS as well). President Trump will *TRY* to fix it, but things are broken so bad, I wonder if he can.
    Kamala' and Blinken's war in the Ukraine should take less than a day to end.

    Pretty sure the incoming president will have that solved within a few days of being sworn in. Perhaps even before he makes it back to the Oval on inauguration day.

    As far as walkable cities,

    We need to stop catering to the vegetable class. The ones that build nothing, own nothing, and want to spend the rest of their life in their pajamas, typing on their laptops.

    Just because they never aspire to own a car doesn't mean we need to sacrifice billions giving up car lanes and destroying businesses.

    We should only listen to successful people, and only vote successful people into office.

  2. #52


    When did this site turn into Breitbart? I have come here for 25 years to read about Detroit, not tiresome partisan politics.
    Meanwhile, let's talk about walkability in Detroit. I live in a city that has walkability as well as ample parking. Why does it have to be either/or instead of both/and?

  3. #53


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
    We should only listen to successful people, and only vote successful people into office.
    Hmmm reading this thread it seems like we really should only listen to land owning men. I wonder what the next caveat will be...

  4. #54


    Quote Originally Posted by southen View Post
    Hmmm reading this thread it seems like we really should only listen to land owning men. I wonder what the next caveat will be...

    So you're saying women can't be successful?

  5. #55


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
    So you're saying women can't be successful?
    Clearly referencing your compatriot but nice try.

  6. #56


    Quote Originally Posted by southen View Post
    Hmmm reading this thread it seems like we really should only listen to land owning men. I wonder what the next caveat will be...

    I’m guessing the freedom-loving fringe of the MAGA bunch wants more rules not less. Lol

    How about Potus changing Lake Ontario to Lake New York. Sounds beautiful… and appropriate.

  7. #57


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    I’m guessing the freedom-loving fringe of the MAGA bunch wants more rules not less. Lol

    How about Potus changing Lake Ontario to Lake New York. Sounds beautiful… and appropriate.
    Yeah I had no idea freedom meant restricting who could vote and providing zero choice in transportation. Always learning something new from folks on the right here.

  8. #58


    Quote Originally Posted by southen View Post
    Yeah I had no idea freedom meant restricting who could vote and providing zero choice in transportation. Always learning something new from folks on the right here.
    Not sure about yer neck of the woods but Fla could be considered the “right” as a majority but yet we have been laying down rails constantly for mass transit bi partisan for years.

    And it was not exactly “right” controlled cities that ripped out mass transit in the first place.

    Maybe the way one approaches things has more to do with it then the way they lean?

  9. #59


    The Internet is a masquerade ball.

    What's interesting is that some participants are oblivious to the fact that others can see through their mask.

    Even more interesting are those who are unaware that they themselves are wearing a mask.

    Personally, I'm the type that likes to attend a masquerade ball with a mask that is indistinguishable from my real face — just to screw with people's deceptive heads.
    Last edited by Jimaz; January-11-25 at 10:05 PM.

  10. #60


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
    Kamala' and Blinken's war in the Ukraine should take less than a day to end.

    Pretty sure the incoming president will have that solved within a few days of being sworn in. Perhaps even before he makes it back to the Oval on Inauguration Day.
    How much Russian state propaganda do you have to choke down before it starts tasting great anyway? You prolly believe it’s in your best interest if the only economy besides energy in Russia, The Russian Arms Industry stops having its hardware blown up in Ukraine and quickly returns to exporting weapons to every country in the world that wants to kill Americans it will work out great! Just ignore that Russia’s biggest allies are China, Iran and North Korea and let them get back to doing what they do best. Convincing somebody else they need to attack us.

  11. #61


    Quote Originally Posted by missn View Post
    When did this site turn into Breitbart? I have come here for 25 years to read about Detroit, not tiresome partisan politics.
    Meanwhile, let's talk about walkability in Detroit. I live in a city that has walkability as well as ample parking. Why does it have to be either/or instead of both/and?
    Thank you for pointing this out, I hope we can stay focused on Dyes

  12. #62


    Quote Originally Posted by southen View Post
    Yeah I had no idea freedom meant restricting who could vote and ..

    Don't get fooled by Southen's straw-man arguments.

    He's responding to me,.. and I merely said "we should only listen to successful people, and only vote successful people into office." I.E. suggesting voters should make better decisions when they vote, not that they shouldn't be allowed to vote.

    Southen loves to accuse others of thinking things that his party has actually done. [Think Jim Crow].

    We figured it out here during Kwamee, and Chicago figured it out a year or two ago with mayor Beetlejuice, and LA is re-thinking their choices now in Mayors and governors. It's just a shame both sides have to repeatedly suffer so much loss before most Dem voters can see the obvious, that just because someone is gay, or has a certain color skin, or has a history of failure, or is hip-hop and wears a large diamond in their ear, that that doesn't necessarily prepare them to successfully run a $50 Billion a year, highly complex operation [City of Los Angeles for example].

    I suggest voters forget party, skin color, sexual orientation etc, and vote for the candidate that will provide the best services at the lowest cost. All else is bunk. I vote for people on both sides of the ticket.
    Last edited by Rocket; January-12-25 at 08:59 AM.

  13. #63


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
    I suggest voters forget party, skin color, sexual orientation etc...
    Agreed, and voters should forget about religious affiliation as well. Identity politics is a proven failure. In a perfect world, a voter would simply identify as a worker or capitalist and vote his pocketbook interests -- AFAIK that's how plutocrats vote. Other than that, identities are misdirection.
    Last edited by Henry Whalley; January-14-25 at 10:01 AM.

  14. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
    Don't get fooled by Southen's straw-man arguments.

    He's responding to me,.. and I merely said "we should only listen to successful people, and only vote successful people into office." I.E. suggesting voters should make better decisions when they vote, not that they shouldn't be allowed to vote.

    Southen loves to accuse others of thinking things that his party has actually done. [Think Jim Crow].

    We figured it out here during Kwamee, and Chicago figured it out a year or two ago with mayor Beetlejuice, and LA is re-thinking their choices now in Mayors and governors. It's just a shame both sides have to repeatedly suffer so much loss before most Dem voters can see the obvious, that just because someone is gay, or has a certain color skin, or has a history of failure, or is hip-hop and wears a large diamond in their ear, that that doesn't necessarily prepare them to successfully run a $50 Billion a year, highly complex operation [City of Los Angeles for example].

    I suggest voters forget party, skin color, sexual orientation etc, and vote for the candidate that will provide the best services at the lowest cost. All else is bunk. I vote for people on both sides of the ticket.
    Yes. Who could possibly infer anything with all of the other crazy things you say. Lets not forget that youre the guy who doesn't think you can walk in winter and professes that mass shootings are false flag operations.

    Btw how many bankruptcies and how many times does someone need to be sued for not paying bills or sexual assault to be labeled successful? Maybe think over it with your hand on your Trump bible.

    Oh and a favorite... "dEmoCrats ArE the kkK."

    Qualified people should be the ones running things. Do you happen to use the same level of scrutiny for DT? Nah. You are also the party of Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene and celebrate handjobs in theaters. Since the election DT has said that it is going to be very tough to bring down grocery costs and has tried intimated that we should take over Greenland and Canada, but yeah, we should only listen to qualified people...

  15. #65


    @southen et al/

    There are dystopian novels whose pages are more plausible, less far out than what is unfolding. Ugh!

    Musk seems to be more unhinged by the hour.

  16. #66


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    @southen et al/

    There are dystopian novels whose pages are more plausible, less far out than what is unfolding. Ugh!

    Musk seems to be more unhinged by the hour.
    that one is on y’all ,you have a bad habit of giving grifters and despotic dictators citizenship that gives them a springboard into the U.S..even if it is illegally,you can have him back at anytime.

    He reminds me of the trunk monkey commercials.

    Or convince him to buy RenCen as a SpaceX hub,just put some little fins on the towers and they look like space rockets.

  17. #67


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    that one is on y’all ,you have a bad habit of giving grifters and despotic dictators citizenship that gives them a springboard into the U.S..even if it is illegally,you can have him back at anytime.

    He reminds me of the trunk monkey commercials.

    Or convince him to buy RenCen as a SpaceX hub,just put some little fins on the towers and they look like space rockets.

    Well, Richard, I’m glad we’re on the same page on this one, you and I won’t be buying a 4 wheeled smartphone anytime soon.

  18. #68


    Quote Originally Posted by southen View Post
    ...handjobs in theaters.
    Communion within the New Apostolic Reformation. Say Amen, Somebody!

    New Apostolic Reformation - Wikipedia

  19. #69


    Bicker/bitch all you want. Some is entertaining.
    Turning into some sort of chat room.

    Detroit is too big, yet too spread out for "walkable" for the whole city.
    How many square miles?
    How many people within?

    Hey, remember the party line we used to call on the phone?
    909 or something, then wait.

  20. #70


    Define walkable -

    A walkable city is an urban environment designed to promote walking as a primary mode of transportation, featuring accessible amenities, pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, and compact land use. This design encourages community interaction, reduces reliance on cars, and enhances the quality of life for residents by providing easy access to services, public spaces, and recreational areas.

    Here is a list of the 12 most “walkable” cities in the U.S.


    Unless you actually live in a specific point within a city and or can afford to non of them are actually walkable in that sense.

    Take for instance San Francisco which is #4

    Cable cars and buses are the main means of public transportation

    Boston which is #1

    Public transportation is also ranked highly in Boston. The T [[Boston’s subway) is designed to get residents around the city, though you can also choose from the commuter rail, bus routes, and even the ferry to get where you need to go.

    So the reality is,a city may have many things you can walk to in order to enjoy but are you really going to walk all the way across the city to spend 1 hour?

    I would say Venice Italy and many 200-300 year old towns there are truly walkable,because that is the only way you are going to get around.

    It does not matter how big a city is all the “walkable” cities in the U.S. are reliant on mobility options in order to make it happen.

  21. #71


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Define walkable -

    Here is a list of the 12 most “walkable” cities in the U.S.


    Unless you actually live in a specific point within a city and or can afford to non of them are actually walkable in that sense.
    Your link highlights one of the myths of walkable cities. That people will automatically save money because they don't need a car.

    The top cities on that list all have higher than average costs of living, by the following percentages
    1. 51%
    2. 58%
    3. 39.5%
    4. 145.5%
    5. 64%
    6. 72.5%

    Detroit by comparison is about 3% higher than average.

    To make a city walkable, you need high housing density, which in turn comes with higher housing costs, and high store-front rents, which means higher costs for goods and services.
    Last edited by Rocket; January-13-25 at 07:26 PM.

  22. #72


    Withstanding the side arguments re. who's on what side of politics to policies [often boiling down to forced adherence to right or left absolutes even when a heterodox approach is offered] the viability of walkability remains distance.

    We see that and other factors considered in the concept of 15 minute cities:

    What is the 15-minute city [and what is it not?]

    From link above:

    "It is assumed that 15-minutes was selected as this represents a healthy walk at a brisk pace, amounting to approximately 2,000 steps or approximately 2km."

    Built on the Principals of new Urbanism

    Detroit and many of its suburbs are NOT set up this way. Thus, we have bike lanes unused: born of policies and internet 'likes' never pressure-tested per the existing settings, or per the options many still prefer! Such as driving.
    Last edited by Zacha341; January-14-25 at 09:33 AM.

  23. #73


    Yep. And Detroit also has an aging population still active, working, yet not able to or interested in walking distances. Children must be driven to and picked up from schools that are further apart then in say 2002.

    Quote Originally Posted by EASTSIDER BALDUCK View Post
    Detroit is too big, yet too spread out for "walkable" for the whole city.
    How many square miles?
    How many people within?
    Last edited by Zacha341; January-14-25 at 09:35 AM.

  24. #74


    Too many planning committees and the like for these lanes over-estimated use! That's why for example it's rare to see a cyclist along Woodward in Ferndale. The concept may have checked-a-box or internet 'likes' and affirmational nods as the greater good by folks-in-the-room or on zoom but not pressure-tested against day to day realities.

    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post
    Why are Americans afraid of bicycle lanes? It seems ideologically based.
    Last edited by Zacha341; January-14-25 at 09:30 AM.

  25. #75


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
    To make a city walkable, you need high housing density, which in turn comes with higher housing costs, and high store-front rents, which means higher costs for goods and services.
    Solid argument. If anything we should be tearing down more housing and buildings because the lack of density leads to cost savings.

    Detroit has plenty of underutilized commercial strips that could be reactivated to serve neighborhoods. There are places in the city where plenty of people use the bike infrastructure to get around and it is no coincidence that those neighborhoods also have places people want to go to. This type of stuff doesn't exist in a vacuum, you have to have investment in residential and commercial districts. You have generations of Detroiters who didn't grow up with this infrastructure and thus never consider it. For two years after the Jefferson bike lanes went in people thought it was a bonus lane for parking and used it as such. Infrastructure and investment to make places more walkable works in cities, despite the warning from some that you can't do it because winter and old people exist.

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