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  1. #1

    Default Majority Of Americans Prefer Sprawl To Walkable Cities

    Majority Of Americans Prefer Sprawl To Walkable Cities - The Onion

    [[Moderator Notice: The Onion is a satirical publication with clickbait headlines. Keep your tonguee in your cheeks]]

  2. #2

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    And for our Canadian friends:
    Canadians always are polite

    Happy New Year

  4. #4


    I seriously wonder who they poll to say something like "majority"

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post
    Canadians always are polite

    Happy New Year

    and a Happy Effing New Year to you too, HW!

    I had to curse at least once in my life. Thank you profusely for providing the opportunity.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    I had to curse at least once in my life.
    I understand your worst biker gang calls itself Heck's Angels

    Canadian Gaffes & Practical Amusements

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Redesigned83 View Post
    I seriously wonder who they poll to say something like "majority"
    Simple, you go to an area that would support your point of view and conduct your poll there. Want a liberal point of view go to Ann Arbor. Want a conservative point of view go to northern Michigan.

  8. #8


    Hah! One of the comments from that article: “I walk plenty. Just this morning I was upstairs.” speaks more to dismissible sarcasm to the question over realities of many cities.

    In some cases walking is neither expedient, safe or available even in the most walkable cities. I think it gets down to driving more or less.

    Or for some THEIR choice to do not drive at all, ever. As so desired.

    Last edited by Zacha341; January-01-25 at 08:53 AM.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post
    I understand your worst biker gang calls itself Heck's Angels

    Canadian Gaffes & Practical Amusements

    Yes, Heck is borderline proper.

    Heck, Our supreme leader has us refer to the Italian mob as "Mediterranean boys and girls, and everything in between club".

    That's a temporary appellation since it hasn't been approved by the senate, yet. Wouldn't want to offend anyone.

  10. #10


    I can see what suburban sprawl can do to wiping out farmlands, creating freeways, stroads, less walkable parks and to mom-and-pop retail stores. So, if you want to go to supermarkets or a strip mall, get in your car and drive.

    It's the American way. Look what happen to Macomb Township. Just the same to Shelby TWP, Sterling Heights and other areas around Metro-Detroit.

    Last edited by Danny; January-02-25 at 07:35 AM.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Yes, Heck is borderline proper.
    You need more sex offenders on Parliament Hill.

  12. #12


    [QUOTE=canuck;646319 Wouldn't want to offend anyone. [/QUOTE]

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post

    Did you notice how every foul thing in history starts with a joke?
    Like Adolf’s coup in 1923, then he writes the book, they start breaking glass and all the rest of it. There was never a more beloved leader in Germany than Hitler, before or after. They loved the guy to bits, and they got their death wish right.

    Chump also said he would change the appellation Gulf of Mexico, to Gulf of America today. Lots of laffs on that one, too. Another funny one is the Panama canal. Plenty of other ones on the way. He’s a funny guy. What can I say?

    Lots of laffs.

  14. #14


    Here is an article about Chump’s intention to annex Canada: you can put it through Google Translate:


  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Here is an article about Chump’s intention to annex Canada: you can put it through Google Translate:

    Well at least "Chump" didn't resign out of total NO support from your government or people!

  16. #16


    Remember January 6th. Chump’ll pardon all of them. You wantbyour dictator, you can have him.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Lots of laffs.
    I did notice that the U.S. these days is dismayingly like Hitler's Germany. But IMHO Canada would kick our ass in a war. Our kids are stupid, lazy, and addicted. OTOH Trump knows more than the generals. In a few years, Israel will be our only ally. With a friend like that who needs enemies?

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post
    I did notice that the U.S. these days is dismayingly like Hitler's Germany. But IMHO Canada would kick our ass in a war. Our kids are stupid, lazy, and addicted. OTOH Trump knows more than the generals. In a few years, Israel will be our only ally. With a friend like that who needs enemies?

    Man, Israel can do no wrong US policy wise. They shower money on it like there is no tomorrow.

    Chump complains about subsidizing Canada to the tune of 200 billion a year. How does he come up with these numbers? Military umbrella, cars, lumber, milk, he says the US doesn’t need our stuff. Of course Canada’s 70 odd cents on the dollar doesnt figure into it.

    How can you make the case Canadian companies have an unfair advantage over US ones with the exchange rate.

    It’s pretty disgusting propaganda, and another road to prosecuting an unjust war [[economic or military) for the uber rich, so what’s new?

    The Washington Post is in Bezos’s pocket, Musk is acting more buzzed every day, the new administration is more fine tuned to his whims. Chump wants his little hands on the Panama canal, Canada and Greenland. A good plan for the hawks. Putin is small potaytoes, [[potahtoes) I tell ya.

  19. #19


    "Walk-able city" is not an option in Michigan. We have a thing called "Winter". And it happens every year.

    What that means is your walk-able city needs to have just as much parking as any non-walkable city, so that the businesses can survive through the 8 months of the year when it's too rainy, too snowy, too cold or too hot.

    And THAT in turn means the city will be too sprawled out to be walkable.

    Also, you need to not have any children, a business or a house. People who have those things need a car to haul their children, work supplies and home goods back and forth.

    So you're really just talking about childless, apartment dwelling office employees that live in cities where the climate is temprid.

    And that's wonderful if you have that. SanteFe NM, the Gas-Lamp of San Diego, Tempe AZ, etc are all terrific. But that's not going to work in Detroit.

    Of course fools will keep trying it.

    Ferndale recently eliminated 90% of it's street parking along Woodward in favor of bike lanes that no one uses, even in Summer.
    Last edited by Rocket; January-08-25 at 03:38 PM.

  20. #20


    ^ Well stated Rocket! The older person is also often not considered. They may be yet working and active in exercise routines but slogging heavy bags on public transpo and walking blocks home like that is not an option.

    Schools are not often nearby as they once were and kids cannot walk in the cold during peak winter months. Driving will remain the desired option.
    Last edited by Zacha341; January-09-25 at 08:22 AM.

  21. #21


    And buy your legacy! Look at how many death row individual sentences Biden converted to the dismay of victims families in many cases.

    Or his choices for the Freedom Medal. Yes, we have alot of gifts and forgiveness going around! Political pickings and 'choosing' as it were.

    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Remember January 6th. Chump’ll pardon all of them. You wantbyour dictator, you can have him.
    Last edited by Zacha341; January-09-25 at 06:35 AM.

  22. #22


    There's enough work to get the dis-"United" States together and solve for our own cumulative and systemic problems and policies!

    Canada has their own home-grown issues. We're never a priority and many of our cities have areas of total ruination - like Kensington, north Penn.

    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Here is an article about Chump’s intention to annex Canada: you can put it through Google Translate:

    Last edited by Zacha341; January-09-25 at 08:19 AM.

  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
    "Walk-able city" is not an option in Michigan. We have a thing called "Winter". And it happens every year.
    You don't travel much do you?

  24. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    There's enough work to get the dis-"United" States together...
    Nothing will unite Americans more surely than another war of imperial aggression

    Also, we need our deep state led by someone like Manuel Benitez Valdés to weld all time-honored rackets including drug traffic, political assassinations, human traffic, gambling, arms traffic, prostitution, government, and religion into a well-oiled national industrial policy that offers aimless American youth something to die for.

    Manuel Benitez Valdés - Wikipedia

    J. Edgar Hoover's Man in Havana.

  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    ^ Well stated Rocket! The older person is also often not considered. They may be yet working and active in exercise routines but slogging heavy bags on public transpo and walking blocks home like that is not an option.

    Schools are not often nearby as they once were and kids cannot walk in the cold during peak winter months. Driving will remain the desired option.
    my sister used to live in an apartment in Minneapolis,all the buildings were connected,never had to go outside during the winter.

    Look at places in Europe like Venice or many other small towns that are considered walkable and are the true definition of walkable cities,because you do have to walk everywhere,and you had better be in good health.

    When you figure you can buy a really nice villa for $20k you figure the younger generation would be flocking there,but they are not.

    If one has density,then it becomes expensive,and prices the younger generations out and when you get older you are not going to be walking 20 blocks to the market.

    I think a true walkability as a concept can only be achieved if one starts from scratch and builds a walkable city from scratch,it’s hard to adapt older American cities that transitioned from walkable,because there were no cars into walkable.

    They were never really walkable back then anyways because they had street cars,you walked a couple of blocks and jumped on a street car or like in Detroit the factory was in the neighborhood,so most could walk or bike to work a few blocks away.

    It’s more about mobility than walk ability.
    Last edited by Richard; January-09-25 at 09:55 AM.

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