Jason Hargrove Transit Center

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  1. #1

    Default 2024 Metro Detroit-Windsor Recap

    A lot of stuff many people here thought would be impossible even just 20 years ago has happened this year alone as we wrap up a historic year in 2024. Here's just some of the highlights Detroit has seen this year:
    1. For the first time since 1957, Detroit's population grows, adding just under 2,000 new residents.
    2. Once one of Detroit's most notorious ruins, Michigan Central Station reopens as the centerpiece of a new tech hub.
    3. The Gordie Howe Bridge becomes connected on both ends and will open in the fall of 2025.
    4. Hudson's tops off at just under 700 feet to become the new second tallest building in Detroit and Michigan.
    5. Henry Ford Health breaks ground on a new $2 billion expansion of its New Center hospital campus.
    6. Detroit City FC announces plans to build a new 14,000-seat stadium on the site of the long-abandoned Southwest Hospital near Michigan Central Station.
    7. Marriott breaks ground on a new $400 million riverfront hotel complex, including restoring 2nd Avenue to the river and a connection to Huntington Place.
    8. 17,000 homes across Detroit that were vacant in 2019 are now occupied, mostly by Detroit residents.
    9. Michigan State University breaks ground on a new advanced medical research campus in New Center.
    10. The University of Michigan pushes ahead with its new downtown research campus, including a startup incubator and residential tower.
    11. The Michigan Legislature passes a bill that eliminates SMART opt-outs in Wayne County, which could finally completely unify transit service across Metro Detroit.
    12. Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Park makes great progress and will open in the fall of 2025.
    13. The Detroit Lions clinch their most successful season in franchise history and are considered favorites to reach Super Bowl LIX.
    14. Detroit shatters NFL Draft attendance records with 740,000 attendees over a three-day period.
    15. Dan Gilbert announces a new life sciences research hub on the Fail Jail site, in partnership with Ferris State University and Tech Town incubators.
    16. The Joe Louis Greenway approaches the halfway point of completion as more new segments make progress.
    17. Detroit's homicide and violent crime rates continue falling to their lowest rates in decades.

    And here's some stuff to look forward to in 2025:
    1. The historic Belle Isle Boathouse might see restoration work begin.
    2. The Music Hall will begin work on an expanded performance center this spring.
    3. The historic Fisher Body 21 plant, another former notorious ruin, will be redeveloped into 400+ housing units in the largest Black-led development project Detroit has ever seen.

  2. #2


    - The Perennial Corktown apartment building in Detroit, Michigan, opened on January 11, 2024. The seven-story, 188-unit building is located at 1611 Michigan Ave., across from the former Tigers Stadium.

    - Jason Hargrove Transit Center has its grand opening at the State Fairgrounds in Detroit on Sat., May 11, 2024.

    - Piquette Flats [formerly Studebaker] nears completion and begins taking applications.

    - The Brooke on Bagley 78-unit apartment building near the Michigan Central Station in Detroit's Hubbard Richard neighborhood.

    - Residences at Water Square. In February, a new 25-story glass high-rise opened on the downtown riverfront, on the site of what was once Joe Louis Arena. The Residences at Water Square is a 496-unit luxury apartment building with floor-to-ceiling windows and striking views of the Detroit River and city skyline.

    - Lee Plaza restoration begins in earnest.

    - Greatwater Homes, an affiliate of Detroit-based Greatwater Opportunity Capital, unveiled its first batch of new houses in the East Village neighborhood, one block over from Indian Village.

    - More apartments on old Tiger Stadium. A new 60-unit apartment building opened this fall on what was once the left field of Tiger Stadium. The mixed-income building was developed by American Community Developers.

    - Detroit People's Food Co-Op - A unique community-owned supermarket - the Detroit People's Food Co-Op - opened this spring at 8324 Woodard, in the city's North End neighborhood.

    - Wayne County Criminal Justice Center begins operation but not without some hiccups.

  3. #3


    Old timers here will be reminded of the early DetroitYES days when we had huge discussions on the development and opening of Slow's on a beat-up section of Michigan Avenue looking at the grim hulk of Michigan Central. It was such a big deal because there was so little new development in Detroit.

    Something like that today would barely be a blip on the development juggernaut of Detroit.

    And that’s good!

  4. #4


    Something caught fire in Detroit - The Tigers finished 31-13. Talk about improbable.

  5. #5


    This one doesn't show up directly in glamorous new buildings but it's huge for city services and more.

    - Moody’s raises Detroit to investment grade credit rating for first time since 2009 with rare double-upgrade from Ba1 to Baa2 with positive outlook in March 2024.


    - Dodge Fountain in Detroit's Hart Plaza is restored thanks to $6.7 million in federal funds

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