Jason Hargrove Transit Center

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  1. #1

    Default Deer Siting within the city Limits! Have you seen them?

    A few years back I saw deer along Evergreen Rd. near Henry Ford College [Dearborn MI]. Not so odd as there's alot of land in that area. I have family in the West Bloomfield/ Farmington area - deer are common.

    Friday I was making a left on Chalmers from Jefferson near sundown seeing gray odd movements near the sidewalk by a patch of over growth a few yards from Kerchevel. Too tall/ lanky to be dogs I slowed to see it was three deer! A female and two smaller doe! They were moving slowly but seemed very practiced to making it across Chalmers - towards Lakewood Street!

    I circled back to snap a pic but they'd scurried off to a denser field blending into the brush - and the sun was setting.

    Soooo, we have deer this close within the city of Detroit?

    Last fall I saw a huge buck in full-trot crossing Woodward at six mile. Heading west into a dense area of homes/ apartments!

    Anyone else see deer within the city like this? Recently?
    Last edited by Zacha341; December-09-24 at 06:28 AM.

  2. #2


    I see deer in and near Palmer Park. Perhaps the one you saw at Woodward and Six was one of those.

  3. #3


    I have seen several deer, several times, in Woodlawn Cemetery by 8 Mile and Woodward.
    Also during the several days of Grand Prix this year a deer
    was wandering around the townhouses in Lafayette Park.

  4. #4


    I live in Clawson and there's a herd of them and they are in Ferndale and Hazel Park also. Quite a few of them

  5. #5


    I've seen them on the lower eastside. Also, a dead one on I-94 between Chalmers and Dickerson.

  6. #6


    ^ Yes! There are many open lots over-grown about there -- talking to others now I know deer are common in this area but I'd never seen them and I've worked in that area many years!

    We have running pheasants and rabbits where I live [New Center area]!
    Last edited by Zacha341; December-09-24 at 09:06 AM.

  7. #7


    Deer are everywhere. They have been a problem in the past on the runway at Toronto Airport.

  8. #8


    People think they're cute until they hit one. A 150-200 lb. deer can cause a lot of damage to a car and they jump in front of you from out of nowhere.
    A herd of deer can clean out a farmer's bean field in short order.

  9. #9


    ^ Facts 100%! When I'm driving areas with the yellow 'deer' signs I'm really afraid of one in my path! Saw a big full-grown bull deer with a huge rack on Northwestern and Middlebelt -- wee hours of the am! Right by the edge of the road. WHEW!
    Last edited by Zacha341; December-10-24 at 07:35 PM.

  10. #10


    We've had deer walking through our backyard in Royal Oak [[13 and Woodward). Startling since it doesn't happen that often.

  11. #11


    New initiative aims to bridge farmers, hunters
    amid Michigan’s deer overpopulation crisis
    Michigan is facing a growing challenge with deer overpopulation, particularly in the southern Lower Peninsula, according to Michigan’s Department of Natural Resources.
    I can see it now. A hunter, bored in his blind, whips out his iphone, gets distracted by swiping through it and doesn't notice a deer walk up behind him, looking over his shoulder to see what's so interesting. Boo!

    Anthropomorphisms "Я" Us
    Last edited by Jimaz; December-24-24 at 09:00 PM.

  12. #12


    They're all over the place in A2. Had a family of doe and 3 fawns earlier this year around my place. Read where Grand Rapids is considering allowing bow hunting within the city; several Iowa cities already have an urban bow hunt season.

  13. #13


    Here in northern michigan them deer are dangerous on the highways.
    Way to many of them. At all times of the year.

  14. #14


    They are dangerous here, especially at dawn and dusk; my husband was on his way to work from Clawson to Pontiac a few years ago and one ran into the side of his car. Took a leap from the ditch on the side of the road and hit the front quarter panel.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Wesson View Post
    Here in northern michigan them deer are dangerous on the highways.
    Way to many of them. At all times of the year.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by 5939DT View Post
    They're all over the place in A2. Had a family of doe and 3 fawns earlier this year around my place. Read where Grand Rapids is considering allowing bow hunting within the city; several Iowa cities already have an urban bow hunt season.
    That sounds like a deadly accident waiting to happen.

  16. #16


    Poletown East is the area I regularly see some deer that’s closest to downtown. Grandy or East Kirby are good bets to see them. A few people prolly are feeding them regularly in that prairie.

  17. #17


    Just saw a buck with a large rack of antlers in Palmer Woods. It had at least 8 points, maybe more.

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