A few years back I saw deer along Evergreen Rd. near Henry Ford College [Dearborn MI]. Not so odd as there's alot of land in that area. I have family in the West Bloomfield/ Farmington area - deer are common.
Friday I was making a left on Chalmers from Jefferson near sundown seeing gray odd movements near the sidewalk by a patch of over growth a few yards from Kerchevel. Too tall/ lanky to be dogs I slowed to see it was three deer! A female and two smaller doe! They were moving slowly but seemed very practiced to making it across Chalmers - towards Lakewood Street!
I circled back to snap a pic but they'd scurried off to a denser field blending into the brush - and the sun was setting.
Soooo, we have deer this close within the city of Detroit?
Last fall I saw a huge buck in full-trot crossing Woodward at six mile. Heading west into a dense area of homes/ apartments!
Anyone else see deer within the city like this? Recently?