A little slice of the Florida Keys lands in Windsor. 'Getaway in your own backyard' — Escape into Windsor's first tiki bar | Windsor Star
A little slice of the Florida Keys lands in Windsor. 'Getaway in your own backyard' — Escape into Windsor's first tiki bar | Windsor Star
Looks like fun but, hmm, the Tiki thing seems a bit date by about ten years. Good luck to them anyway.
It depends on the bar. Tiki bars are still popular, but hanging some plastic leis from the ceiling and serving drinks in crazy glasses isn't really enough to last. It's kind of like hanging a football jersey on the wall and putting a TV behind a bar and calling yourself a sports bar.
Here's an example of a gold-standard tiki bar in Grand Rapids:
This guy spent eight years collecting the decorations, and their bartenders spend a few months learning how to make all the drinks. They also stock a lot of types of rum, which is essential to make the drinks properly. This place is hugely popular and just opened up about a year ago.
Last edited by JBMcB; November-20-24 at 01:41 PM.
But I don't see a glass-topped bar with a beach sand-and seashell display underneath, like in the old Boom Boom Room in Lansing.
oh damn. Loved that place. Did you know George the bartender? Hard ass former WWII and Korea Marine. Like Guadalcanal, Saipan and Chosen Marine.
Mixed drinks that would peel wallpaper.