It will be interesting on which candidate Gilbert, Illitch, Gores, and others will support for Mayor. They are wise by not backing anyone now
It will be interesting on which candidate Gilbert, Illitch, Gores, and others will support for Mayor. They are wise by not backing anyone now
Yes, agreed. I grew up on the DDOT system - riding buses all over town.
Recall as a child when it was called DSR or something. You got to know the drivers and the regulars who rode the buses.
For certain leadership has had an impact!
Thank you for serving as bus driver. I know it could be a dangerous occupation at times. Detroit in the past 50 years had always had an inferior transportation system. New busses never fixed the problem. In 1978 Detroit purchased new busses when Conrad Mallet was director of DDOT but the system still ran shoddy. The only glimmer of light that shown on the transit system is when Duggan appointed Dan Dirks from SMART as director of DDOT. The system saw some major improvements until Dirks either stepped down or was replaced and the next director who was clueless on how to run a transit system ran DDOT into the ground again