Mike Duggan speaks after announcing he won't seek reelection
Governor Duggan?Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan spoke to the media after announcing he won't seek a fourth term as the city's mayor.
Mike Duggan speaks after announcing he won't seek reelection
Governor Duggan?Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan spoke to the media after announcing he won't seek a fourth term as the city's mayor.
If Detroiters like him, he might be a great choice for Dems. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but that's more ignorance that can be resolved with some research.
Hard to believe it's been 10 years since "that white guy" was elected.
Watching his speech, I continue to be blown away by his eloquent articulation of an inclusive and forward looking vision for the community. If he wants to be governor, I can't see anyone standing in his way - he's in a league all his own when it comes to politics in Michigan. That said, he should probably run for President; we could sure use someone who is focused on creating solutions to what ails us, instead of creating more ailments.
Detroiters have to be very careful in selecting our next Mayor. Love him or hate him Duggan had gotten the ball rolling on bringing Detroit into the 21st century. A job that young Kwame had the capabilities but failed to do. I don't think that the names being pushed in front of us as candidates could perform a balancing act of building up the neighborhoods and revitalizing downtown midtown Detroit. I wonder if Sue Mosey[[former coined Mayor of Midtown) would consider running. Whoever becomes Mayor I hope that he/she will not price out long time residents and make sure that they are not taxed out of their homes. The next Mayor should also ficus on improving the transportation system in Detroit and want to build bridges with the suburbs to have a better regional system
Greatest Detroit Mayor ever. Detroit are you better off than you were 12 years ago? What a turnaround he has led since the depths of Kwame and the bankruptcy to what Detroit is today. He definitely has the resume to win the governorship and maybe beyond.
For Mayor I'd like to see Garland Gilchrist, current Lt. Gov. move to Detroit and run. He is super smart, a Bachelor of Science in Engineering with majors in computer science and computer engineering from the University of Michigan, has all the Lansing connections, and knows the ropes for cooperation with the capitol and Gov. Duggan[?].
Good choice, I will second that. Garland Gilchrist for Mayor of Detroit. The brains and political experience Detroit needs…
I think that Dennis Archer Jr will make a great Mayor. He was responsible for Meijer opening a store on Jefferson eventhough the deal condo that was going to be connected to it fell through. What other power moves could he make?
Why not run for governor? Gilchrist is Lt. governor. Is it just assumed that being in a red_____ state would make it difficult for him to win as governor?
I want to say thank you Mayor Mike Duggan for turning Detroit around for the 21st Century. From crawling out the debris of bankruptcy to restoring regional and neighborhood empowerment hope in order to have our motor city be the beacon of renaissance to the State of Michigan.
If you're decided to run for Governor of Michigan, you will have my support.
Here is the potential line up.
1. Mary Sheffield
2. Shanteel Jenkins
3. Coleman Young II
So far, no white, Hispanic, Arab or Asian candidates to run for Mayor.
Don't even think to put Chris Ilitch or Dan Gilbert in Detroit Mayoral Race. They are too busy buying, fixing buildings in which they are having trouble putting occupants in. Having them in the Detroit Mayor Race mean giving up being head of their organizations.
My eyes are on Mary Sheffield. She got a lot of D.A.B.O. supporters and some Detroit megachurches on her side.
Forget about Coleman Young II. Detroiters don't want to a 'name dynasty' in politics.
There will be no republican candidates for Detroit Mayor Race. Detroit has been a liberal fort since 1973, and Detroiters are not flipping their political principles. They want a liberal mayor for a liberal city.
Detroit is ready for a black female mayor.
Last edited by Danny; November-14-24 at 09:07 AM.
I think that Detroit is ready for a woman Mayor. Had been ready for years. However, Detroit need a person who is going to continue to move Detroit forward and not backward or stuck in neutral. I think that Mayor Dugan had moved the city forward especially when he had selected Dan Dirk to be the head of DDOT and improved the system until Dirk had stepped down leaving the operations to a lesser experienced person to be the head of it. Sheffield without DABO may could continue to move Detroit in a forward direction. I think that Gabriela Santiago-Romero would also be a good candidate as well as Samuel Jenkins and Sue Mosey. I am still leaning on Dennis Archer Jr if he decide to throw his hat in the ring.Here is the potential line up.
1. Mary Sheffield
2. Shanteel Jenkins
3. Coleman Young II
So far, no white, Hispanic, Arab or Asian candidates to run for Mayor.
Don't even think to put Chris Ilitch or Dan Gilbert in Detroit Mayoral Race. They are too busy buying, fixing buildings in which they are having trouble putting occupants in. Having them in the Detroit Mayor Race mean giving up being head of their organizations.
My eyes are on Mary Sheffield. She got a lot of D.A.B.O. supporters and some Detroit megachurches on her side.
Forget about Coleman Young II. Detroiters don't want to a 'name dynasty' in politics.
There will be no republican candidates for Detroit Mayor Race. Detroit has been a liberal fort since 1973, and Detroiters are not flipping their political principles. They want a liberal mayor for a liberal city.
Detroit is ready for a black female mayor.
You can say Detroit needs to “Move Forward” 10,000 times and if the next Mayor doesn’t have political clout in Lansing it will not happen.I think that Detroit is ready for a woman Mayor. Had been ready for years. However, Detroit need a person who is going to continue to move Detroit forward and not backward or stuck in neutral. I think that Mayor Dugan had moved the city forward especially when he had selected Dan Dirk to be the head of DDOT and improved the system until Dirk had stepped down leaving the operations to a lesser experienced person to be the head of it. Sheffield without DABO may could continue to move Detroit in a forward direction. I think that Gabriela Santiago-Romero would also be a good candidate as well as Samuel Jenkins and Sue Mosey. I am still leaning on Dennis Archer Jr if he decide to throw his hat in the ring.
If we go back to stagnation I legit might cry. As long as the new mayor is as determined to get things done and continue the development I'm cool with whoever it is.
I hate to say it, but any of these folks running are likely to be a big step back down for Detroit. We had a guy with serious management chops running the show; all of these politicians running have next to nill experience, comparatively.
Two are probably fulfilling the agendas of their parents. The third helped ushered in the Emergency Financial Manager
Exactly why an intelligent experienced skilled political navigator is required. Duggan did not have Detroit friendly legislators in charge of Lansing when he became Mayor and didn’t let that stop him from achieving goals. Detroit will need those same qualities in a Mayor just as much as ever in this current highly partisan climate.
I agree. Detroiters had grown tired of the so called grass roots ideology of these elected officials and voted for Duggan in 2013. It had taken an outside person to turn the city around. Entertainment and retail had came and are still planning to come to downtown Detroit. Ford had moved into the Corktown area contributing to the revitalization of that area. I am still not impressed with the Avenue of Fashion area. It appears that the plans of the strip having retail that cater to multi cultural of people had fallen to mostly the same Ole businesses that lined the strip before the redevelopment of the streetscape from Curtis northward to 8 mile rd. That might spread to the downtown area if the wrong candidate becomes Mayor. Maybe it will be a good idea to return the City Council to a Council at Large instead of Council by DistrictExactly why an intelligent experienced skilled political navigator is required. Duggan did not have Detroit friendly legislators in charge of Lansing when he became Mayor and didn’t let that stop him from achieving goals. Detroit will need those same qualities in a Mayor just as much as ever in this current highly partisan climate.
I won't vote for anyone currently running. Politicians [[especially the Detroit good ol' boys and girls club) know how to do one thing well, and that's enrich themselves and their freinds at the taxpers expense.
We need Duggan 2.0; someone from the private sector, someone with experience managing a large private organization, someone who believes in efficiency, and possibly most importantly, someone who isn't going to push DEI, reparations, equity, and all the other nonsense that's nothing more than a bottomless money pit.
I honestly think we're screwed after Duggan leaves, for at least the next four years. It would take a miracle to get someone as good as him again.
I think that someone had been groomed for the job but hasn't announced his/her's intentions yet.The next Mayor have to think globally being that Detroit is right across the pond from Canada. I still say now is the time get rid of Council by district and put new Council members on board saving one or two who had done a great job for their districts. City Council should be more ethnically diverse.I won't vote for anyone currently running. Politicians [[especially the Detroit good ol' boys and girls club) know how to do one thing well, and that's enrich themselves and their freinds at the taxpers expense.
We need Duggan 2.0; someone from the private sector, someone with experience managing a large private organization, someone who believes in efficiency, and possibly most importantly, someone who isn't going to push DEI, reparations, equity, and all the other nonsense that's nothing more than a bottomless money pit.
I honestly think we're screwed after Duggan leaves, for at least the next four years. It would take a miracle to get someone as good as him again.
Such a shame. I'm a 'rural-ite,' yet even from afar, Mike Duggan impressed me. I often stopped watching state of the nation and state of the state speeches soon into them, yet I've enjoyed watching all of Mayor Duggan's enthusiasm, concern, and forward thinking.
So much so, I'm wrapping up edits on a near-future dystopian novel in which Detroit plays a big part of America's recovery--the paradise of the abandoned nation, because of the people. I contacted his office [never heard back] hoping to use his name, the only real world name in the novels, as the Mayor of Detroit. Now just using 'the mayor,' the one scene he is in as Detroit comes under siege still works, yet it would have been nice to give a little credit where due for how he worked along with the People of Detroit.
However, as said in the story when a federally backed militia's officer points a gun at him [unedited version, happens post-surge of refugees]:
She couldn't hear what the mayor said, but Kae could guess. Whether they shot him or not, it would not matter. He wasn't the leader of Detroit's resistance; he was just one of a million fellow Detroiters, and any one of them would answer the call.
Last edited by GrtLksMarlin; November-15-24 at 07:21 PM.
I'm pushing Pete Buttegieg for those reasons, and he's a Michigander nowWatching his speech, I continue to be blown away by his eloquent articulation of an inclusive and forward looking vision for the community. If he wants to be governor, I can't see anyone standing in his way - he's in a league all his own when it comes to politics in Michigan. That said, he should probably run for President; we could sure use someone who is focused on creating solutions to what ails us, instead of creating more ailments.