Lee Plaza Restoration

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  1. #1

    Default Vernors Free Press article from December 2023

    Can Vernors actually make you feel better? We investigate.

    Vernors Free Press article from December 2023.
    This article appeared on MSNBC news page today.
    Unfortunately, Kreuger/Dr Pepper did not comment.

    We Detroiters know that when the first sale to Pepsi happened the flavor was definitely changed.

    Does anyone know the original amount of ginger that was in the product?

    Live better chemically, it almost tastes the same!

    Thank you for letting me vent!

  2. #2


    Believe what you want, Vernors still makes me feel better. Just getting past Covid and some kind of sinus thing and warm Vernors helped my throat and nose feel better for a week now.
    Quote Originally Posted by slick View Post
    Can Vernors actually make you feel better? We investigate.

    Vernors Free Press article from December 2023.
    This article appeared on MSNBC news page today.
    Unfortunately, Kreuger/Dr Pepper did not comment.

    We Detroiters know that when the first sale to Pepsi happened the flavor was definitely changed.

    Does anyone know the original amount of ginger that was in the product?

    Live better chemically, it almost tastes the same!

    Thank you for letting me vent!

  3. #3


    My parents and grandparents used to think that Vernors was medicinal. My generation felt the same about peyote.

  4. #4


    Sadly they toned it down and Vernors no longer has that initial kick and first sip cough that we used to love. But if you can get your hands on Blenheims ginger ale from a little operation in South Carolina, it is almost like our original Vernors. https://www.blenheimgingerale.com/

  5. #5


    Every thread on this deserves a post by one of us who remembers going to the big door of the plant on Woodward and getting a small amount of the pure syrup to glaze a ham with. All you had to do was ask one of the guys nicely.

  6. #6


    Yes, the 'kick' has long gone - but when I drink pop I prefer it over the darker dyed pops. There are more stronger Jamaican style ginger pop/ beers/ brews out there. But most are too sweet for me... but I like this one:


    Ginger root and powder have properties that help some and can be used for teas and cooking.

    Quote Originally Posted by Downriviera View Post
    Sadly they toned it down and Vernors no longer has that initial kick and first sip cough that we used to love...
    Last edited by Zacha341; October-29-24 at 05:43 AM.

  7. #7


    Zach’s, …I wonder where the sneeze went.

    Remember how Vernon’s would tickle your nose and, and, and … achoo?

    The closest was some Mexican Vernors I picked up at Westborn maybe 8 years ago. Like Mexican coke, it had real cane sugar not that overly syrupy HFC.

    Yet I can’t wrap my head ago the notion that cane sugar would bring on sneezers.

  8. #8


    ^ Hah! Right-o G.

    Reed's Ginger Beer 'Extra' gets you at the 'nose' level.

    For sure also will the ginger mixes made in Jamaica.

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