Lee Plaza Restoration

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  1. #1

    Default 5 Detroiters to get honorary street signs

    I like this. Who do you think deserves a street name in Detroit and why?

    The city of Detroit will honor five Detroiters by officially designating street signs with their names.

    Detroit City Council on Tuesday voted to approve secondary street signs for Vincent Chin, Earl Cureton, Amp Fiddler, Horace L. Sheffield Jr. and J Dilla. Per city code, a street may be assigned a secondary sign with a name in addition to the official street name to serve as an honorary recognition for five years.

    No more than five honorees can receive a street sign each year.
    Signs are typically placed at an intersection significant to the honoree's historical residence or contribution. Proposed honorees must follow specific criteria to be nominated.

    https://freep-mi.newsmemory.com?selD...Detroit%20Free Press

  2. #2


    I guess it's okay. 5 yrs. go by pretty fast. I think for someone like Cureton, who had a nice NBA career and did a lot for the community, something more permanent like naming a recreation center with a display or plaque would be more appropriate.
    Last edited by 401don; October-24-24 at 11:53 AM.

  3. #3


    I know I've seen those blue street signs around the city but I don't always recognize the name. It would be interesting to see the list of people who have received this honor since 2000.

    Here's the link to the 2024 report on who was nominated for this honor:

    Interesting to see all the people nominated and eligible...and then narrowed down to just 5 people to honor.

  4. #4


    Makes me wonder if the City has ever considered selling naming rights to streets as a revenue source, the way the convention center [fka Cobo] has been.

  5. #5


    I asked if they would name a street after me and they said this is all they have left to offer.......

    Name:  urban-decay-scene-stockcake.jpg
Views: 316
Size:  55.1 KB

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by CassTechGrad View Post
    I asked if they would name a street after me and they said this is all they have left to offer.......

    Name:  urban-decay-scene-stockcake.jpg
Views: 316
Size:  55.1 KB
    That looks like the view from the top of Gil Hill.

  7. #7


    Ayrton Senna. 3 time winner of the Detroit Grand Prix and 3 time Formula One World Champion. Many say he’s the greatest race driver of all time. I agree but am biased as I worked on a race team with him in 1984. We lost him 30 years ago but his legend lives on, and a Netflix series on him starts on Nov 29th. A portion of the old F1 track in his name would be great.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by CassTechGrad View Post
    I asked if they would name a street after me and they said this is all they have left to offer.......

    Name:  urban-decay-scene-stockcake.jpg
Views: 316
Size:  55.1 KB
    Looks like the alley I parked in the '70's, behind Olympia.

  9. #9


    ^ Hey! That's my old car. I wondered where they took it........

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    ^ Hey! That's my old car. I wondered where they took it........

    Well can you move it from the entrance to my garage, please?

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