There are so many non native trees/vegetation that were brought to this state by people that are absolute garbage invasive species that when humans want to keep doing that it makes you stop and think. But on the other hand… Giant Sequoias are so frigging awesome.
Last edited by ABetterDetroit; October-16-24 at 06:36 PM.
I wouldn't worry, Sequoias grow a little bit slower than White Mullberrys and Ghetto Palms.There are so many non native trees/vegetation that were brought to this state by people that are absolute garbage invasive species that when humans want to keep doing that it makes you stop and think. But on the other hand… Giant Sequoias are so frigging awesome.
Hah! Nothing grows faster than Ghetto Palmettos [Ailanthus Altissima]!
We nipped one in the bud that got out of hand recently. It was a bit hidden and ready to jump up high as they do!
Last edited by Zacha341; October-18-24 at 06:08 PM.
In the 2013 book Teardown: Memoir of a Vanishing City by Gordon Young, the tree is referenced in a description of the Carriage Town neighborhood in Flint, Michigan.
"Festive Victorian-era homes in various stages of restoration battled for supremacy with boarded-up firetraps and overgrown lots landscaped with weeds, garbage, and "ghetto palms," a particularly hardy invasive species known more formally as Ailanthus altissima, or the tree of heaven, perhaps because only God can kill the things. Around the corner, business was brisk at a drug house where residents and customers alike weren't above casually taking a piss in the driveway."
I actually did the Lake Tahoe, Yosemite, Kings Canyon, and Sequoia National Park swing through California 3 weeks ago. I still think about it every day. People say every American should see the Grand Canyon. 'The trees' will amaze you more.
Slept on the valley floor of Yosemite....bucket list stuff for me. Although I must admit, I found the valley to be a bit over-rated. The Fall is not the best time to see waterfall action.
The day I spent in Sequoia National Park was the best day I've ever spent on a trip, and I've been traveling since I was 5. The Morro Rock climb and view was just awesome. I second every review of Sequoia. Go...just Go!
The largest Sequoia tree planted in Michigan [very near Lake Michigan] is already over 70 years old and 115 ft. tall.
Also shown is the trunk comparison of the Michigan Sequoia and the California ancient counterpart.
Last edited by Gistok; October-17-24 at 12:45 AM.
Today it may seem sacrilege, but Appalachian Stump Houses come to mind.
If ever a photo deserved to be uprighted, that's the one.