Lee Plaza Restoration

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  1. #1

    Default Jefferson / East Grand Blvd.

    What with East Jefferson being all torn up for whatever I think something nice could be done at the intersection to Belle Isle. I know that I'm obsessed with traffic circles and trying to make everyplace look like Paris, but this is a perfect intersection to try something beautiful, like what is done in all the world's great cities. A traffic circle at that intersection with a monument, fountain, or even landscaping would be a vast improvement to the mundane "Michigan left" there now and a perfect gateway to our "Central Park". The street is plenty wide enough to do it and it would eliminate much of the sign and signal clutter than degrades so much of the civic realm. So there!

  2. #2


    I've mentioned this exact thing a few times in the past... something like Columbus Circle in NYC....


    And in the middle of the circle, they could move the Hurlbut Memorial Gate, which now is little more than a fence ornament... but in the middle of a large traffic circle, it could shine!!

  3. #3


    That would be great idea G. I drive by that monument/ entrance sometimes. It would make a great round-about center-piece!

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    That would be great idea G. I drive by that monument/ entrance sometimes. It would make a great round-about center-piece!
    They would have to put a ring of bollards or Jersey barriers around it, because there would be some asshole driving thru that would be too stoned and head straight for the centerpiece...

    As for the Hurlbut Memorial's current location... the more attractive side is the double staircase, only seen [by no one] from the closed off inner side.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    ....As for the Hurlbut Memorial's current location... the more attractive side is the double staircase, only seen [by no one] from the closed off inner side.
    That deserves a photo.

    Name:  Hurlbut2.jpg
Views: 204
Size:  64.3 KB

    I believe the photo credit goes to JCPhotography_Mi on Reddit.
    Last edited by Jimaz; October-07-24 at 06:16 PM.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by expatriate View Post
    What with East Jefferson being all torn up for whatever I think something nice could be done at the intersection to Belle Isle. I know that I'm obsessed with traffic circles and trying to make everyplace look like Paris, but this is a perfect intersection to try something beautiful, like what is done in all the world's great cities. A traffic circle at that intersection with a monument, fountain, or even landscaping would be a vast improvement to the mundane "Michigan left" there now and a perfect gateway to our "Central Park". The street is plenty wide enough to do it and it would eliminate much of the sign and signal clutter than degrades so much of the civic realm. So there!

  7. #7


    I think a traffic circle at Jefferson and East Grand Blvd is an excellent idea. That said, spending 10s of Millions of dollars moving the Hurlbut Memorial Gate to the center of said traffic circle for great viewing through car windshields and side windows sounds like a completely frivolous use of precious capital in a city that has some pretty desperate needs that require financial investment. Detroit is not Paris, New York or Toronto with their international city fully stuffed deep pockets.
    Last edited by ABetterDetroit; October-07-24 at 08:51 PM.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by ABetterDetroit View Post
    ... That said, spending 10s of Millions of dollars moving the Hurlbut Memorial Gate to the center of said traffic circle for great viewing through car windshields and side windows sounds like a completely frivolous use of precious capital in a city that has some pretty desperate needs that require financial investment. Detroit is not Paris, New York or Toronto with their international city fully stuffed deep pockets.
    I doubt they would move it. But it is not made of one piece of stone. Maybe if they run out of ways to spend the $600 million Ralph Wilson fund, they could rename it to Wilson Circle, and spend a few million dismantling and reassembling it. It is ironic that the city did spend money to restore a "folly" that no one can see the front of.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by ABetterDetroit View Post
    I think a traffic circle at Jefferson and East Grand Blvd is an excellent idea.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    I doubt they would move it. But it is not made of one piece of stone. Maybe if they run out of ways to spend the $600 million Ralph Wilson fund, they could rename it to Wilson Circle, and spend a few million dismantling and reassembling it. It is ironic that the city did spend money to restore a "folly" that no one can see the front of.
    Perhaps the Water Dept. could simply return a small portion of the park that includes the monument to the City. Do they really need all that acreage for their present operations/security? The fences could be moved more easily than the monument. This strays from the original question, but....

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by ABetterDetroit View Post
    Detroit is not Paris, New York or Toronto with their international city fully stuffed deep pockets.
    I get your point but I think it's pretty funny you include Toronto. Take a look at Ontario's debt compared to Michigan and Toronto's financial problems compared to Detroit.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by expatriate View Post
    Perhaps the Water Dept. could simply return a small portion of the park that includes the monument to the City. Do they really need all that acreage for their present operations/security? The fences could be moved more easily than the monument. This strays from the original question, but....
    I totally agree with you. My only question is this... how many underground water/sewage storage facilities are under that large acreage, and where are they?

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