Lee Plaza Restoration

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  1. #1

    Default Michigan Avenue Bricks

    Not sure how I feel about this MDOT proposal as I am very fond of the historic brick pavers on Michigan, which like many side streets and alleys in Detroit, appear to have survived a century. On the other hand Michigan Avenue is much too wide and could stand a bit of streetscape makeover, although a rail line down the center [[which should have been done with the Q-Line) is just a pipe dream. I would certainly like to see the pavers incorporated into any new design.


  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by expatriate View Post
    Not sure how I feel about this MDOT proposal as I am very fond of the historic brick pavers on Michigan, which like many side streets and alleys in Detroit, appear to have survived a century. On the other hand Michigan Avenue is much too wide and could stand a bit of streetscape makeover, although a rail line down the center [[which should have been done with the Q-Line) is just a pipe dream. I would certainly like to see the pavers incorporated into any new design.

    This feels to me very much like the bricks are the excuse to block the whole project. They say save the bricks, but according to the website they are opposed to any change in the amount of lanes and a bus lane.

    I like the bricks for aesthetic purposes, but I'm not in favor of blocking the project just to keep them.

  3. #3


    I'm all for saving bricks, especially on a historic street, but not at the progress of creating a more pedestrian friendly road.

    Four lanes is WAY TOO much. It should include a bus lane, a median in the middle with pedestrian crossings, bike lanes and on-street parking.

    If residents and businesses were not consulted though, that is not great on MDOT's behalf.

  4. #4


    The bricks are unique and identify the corktown neighborhood but let's face it they've been in rough shape for 50 years. If something can be done with artificial ones that don't look like cheap plastic or an unsightly color it should be an improvement. I've driven through the area many times over the years showing it to visitors and their 1st impression is what a mess the road is.

  5. #5


    First, MDOT just seems to be so inept in getting anything done right. If they replace the bricks, are the replacing them because they are in bad shape or what? The bricks to me are in good shape. The foundation of the street needs to be repaired and made level. There doesn't need to be anymore "road dieting." I can't see Michigan Avenue reduced to one travel lane in each direction. There doesn't need to be a dedicated bus lane either because there isn't enough traffic or bus ridership along Michigan Avenue for a bus to have its own lane.

    The problem I see with all of the plans for "right-sizing/road dieting" a road in Detroit deals with the inclusion of left turn lanes. For some streets, a left turn lane is unnecessary. For example, why do roads like Mack [[between Gratiot and St. Jean) or East Grand Boulevard [[south of Mack) need a left turn lane? Now, some left turn lanes are necessary for streets like Gratiot, Woodward, Jefferson, Grand River, and Michigan [[west of I-96), but for many others it's not. Road dieting is useless if you include the left turn lane, simply because you're keeping an extra lane.

    Also, regarding the bricks on Michigan Avenue, I think they should remove them from the travel lanes and bike lanes, but keep them for the parking lanes. The bricks are historic but the vehicle ride on them is awful. Again, leveling the road will improve the ride. If that's all that's needed, then keep the bricks
    Last edited by royce; July-31-24 at 12:22 PM.

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