Jason Hargrove Transit Center

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  1. #1

    Default Interstate 375 to be transformed into street level boulevard

    A one mile segment of I-375 will be transformed into a well lit street level boulevard to reunite neighborhoods. "It allows Michigan to move forward on its $270 million effort to transform the stretch in Detroit into a street-level boulevard, reconnecting surrounding neighborhoods and adding amenities, such as bike lanes." Transportation Secretary Buttigieg announced the award of $104.6M with Gov. Whitmer and Mayor Dugan in Detroit. This segment of I-375 had divided local neighborhoods from each other and from downtown.

    Last edited by oladub; September-15-22 at 09:30 AM. Reason: trying to get link to work

  2. #2

  3. #3


    So does this mean that I-75 will no longer need an exit to continue on I-75?

  4. #4

  5. #5


    Not to be a doom and groomer but funds could be redirected to somewhere or something else prolonging the start or completion of this project. Detroit has a bleak history of misusing funds given for projects to other endeavors

  6. #6


    It's taken a while to get to this point, but I'll be happy to see it.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by sirrealone View Post
    So does this mean that I-75 will no longer need an exit to continue on I-75?
    This is the current plan for the space. I suspect that curve will be much more straightforward, yes.

    This is huge. I especially like 2025 being mentioned as a start date instead of '27. It's vastly improved, though I still think they could do with even fewer lanes. The most remarkable features to me are:

    • The extension of Montcalm connecting with Jay, to make a really fast walking/cycling route from Eastern Market to the stadium district without having to walk down the perpetually precarious Gratiot.
    • The amazing amount of new land in the Eastern Market that could potentially create a whole new neighborhood.
    • We have a chance to expand vertical building into the street-wall vision in this Bedrock rendering

  8. #8


    Good. It's time to end the racism.


  9. #9


    I don't have a strong opinion on this, and as many of you know don't live in the area, but is this project worth spending 300 million on? I see the value in it but should it be the highest priority? There is still a lot of undeveloped and empty land in the greater downtown area as well as many abandoned buildings, both residential and commercial, which need to be torn down.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by stasu1213 View Post
    Not to be a doom and groomer but funds could be redirected to somewhere or something else prolonging the start or completion of this project. Detroit has a bleak history of misusing funds given for projects to other endeavors
    These are federal funds earmarked specifically for an interstate highway. By law, they can't be diverted.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by stasu1213 View Post
    Not to be a doom and groomer but funds could be redirected to somewhere or something else prolonging the start or completion of this project. Detroit has a bleak history of misusing funds given for projects to other endeavors
    You understand that all of this and the money is entirely under the control of MDOT right? City has nothing to do with it.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Satiricalivory View Post
    You understand that all of this and the money is entirely under the control of MDOT right? City has nothing to do with it.
    Would the contractors working on this project belocal Detroit contractors or strictly from MDOT?

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by 313WX View Post
    These are federal funds earmarked specifically for an interstate highway. By law, they can't be diverted.
    This money is for eliminating a section of interstate highway rather than being "for an interstate highway". There must be a clause allowing for eliminating interstate highways and reverting them back into a surface roads.

  14. #14


    It is bringing it back to a surface road in order to re-unite the neighborhoods that were spilt apart by ramming a freeway through them.

    But honestly,how much of Black Bottom and Paradise Valley is even left to re-unite ? And what are the odds that they will be rebuilt in the future ?

    From what I have seen in the videos and documentaries there is really nothing left.

    They referred to it as a racist highway,it is not a racist highway,it’s a prime example of social experiments that are implemented without looking at cause and effect,or caring.

    They did the same thing in every city because the areas were low income and property was cheap it more about economics then skin color.

    I kinda think it is to late to rite that wrong for the people that lived there at that time and I also kinda think it would be more conducive to invest the money in existing depressed African American communities and help lift them up.

    Not saying that they should not do it to all of the freeways,but in the list of priorities how many Detroit citizens will be directly impacted?

    But I am biased and feel sense it is transportation monies that are being used in a reparations aspect,would it be better served useing the money to expand public transportation busses,street cars so the people you are targeting are actually the ones that receive the benefits?

    Maybe I am wrong and black bottom and paradise valley is still highly populated with lots of African American owned businesses that this action will actually directly impact as advertised.

    Not that it matters because it has already been decided for you,just like when they rammed the freeways through in the first place,we know what is best for you so this is how it would go.

    They really are not eliminating anything,it will still be a transportation route through the city just like it was back before the interstate highway system was first out in place.

    If it maintains a heavy flow of traffic and does not have a traffic light every 2 blocks people will be zipping through there and defeating the whole purpose.

    This is how it was reported Nationally with Yahoo


    Big difference on how it was reported locally in the Freep.

    Crowther said. While community debate will likely continue over the best design and whether a six-lane boulevard is a good approach, he said, the new federal focus on equity is “a lot of inspiration for local groups for that reason alone.”

    I also agree with Sam Riddles comments in spirit,but it is a transportation project and not an affordable housing grant.
    Last edited by Richard; September-15-22 at 08:40 PM.

  15. #15


    I have heard Mayor Duggan speak with great enthusiasm. about this
    project. I don't think the federal funds will be or can be diverted.

  16. #16


    One of the big reasons Detroit was picked for the funding was because it was a shovel ready project,projects like this takes years in planning,most freeway stuff up to 10 years,which is why they are always playing catch up.

    It will be closely watched like all fed projects,City of Detroits biggest problem in the past was simply not applying for available funds,maybe because of the scrutiny they bring but it sure has impacted neighborhoods negatively.
    Last edited by Richard; September-16-22 at 07:19 AM.

  17. #17


    My understanding was that the choice was only to repair I-375 which was at the end of it's designed life or re-imagine it. Lots of money was to be spent in either case and getting rid of it seems the most sensible plan.

  18. #18


    Looking at that rendering I can't figure out how that could possibly be the Jefferson intersection. The angles and horizons seem entirely wrong, not to mention the beautiful pie in the sky new buildings.

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by expatriate View Post
    Looking at that rendering I can't figure out how that could possibly be the Jefferson intersection. The angles and horizons seem entirely wrong, not to mention the beautiful pie in the sky new buildings.
    It's Gratiot and the new Boulevard, looking south/southwest. the center of the image is an imagining of the fail jail site.

  20. #20


    Is there a name for this new Boulevard? Hastings? Chrysler?

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by kuuma View Post
    It's Gratiot and the new Boulevard, looking south/southwest. the center of the image is an imagining of the fail jail site.
    Thank you. Yes of course the freeway would end just north of Gratiot and the curved blvd. on the left continues on to Jefferson.

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by xD_Brklyn View Post
    Is there a name for this new Boulevard? Hastings? Chrysler?
    Should be Hastings.

  23. #23


    I agree...

  24. #24


    As an Eastsider, I feel slighted by this project. They are closing freeway access to downtown for the East Side only.

    Also, did we need a new commercial corridor where the freeway is? The existing corridors don't seem to be thriving.


  25. #25


    I'm in favor of this, though doubt it will be anywhere near the stupendous game-changer that the planners are hyping. I'm thinking something more along the lines of how Rosa Parks Blvd. replaced the post-1967 vacant lots of Twelfth St. Useful new buildings, but with an unavoidably sterile/generic feel. It's also hard to see how it will be especially pedestrian friendly; the route will still serve as a conduit to downtown from I-75.

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