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  1. #101


    Our first time in GrandRapids

  2. #102


    My Most SHOCKING Items Found While Magnet Fishing in Grand Rapids

    In today's video there are some shocking items found while we were magnet fishing in Grand Rapids. This is a continuation of Tuesday's video of our trip to Grand Rapids that we made to fish with Venture DuLow and others....
    Looks like he caught one of those antique clothing irons that grandma would heat up on the stove.

  3. #103


    This is one of my favorite finds so far. Yesterday I found 75 MacARTHUR election pins from 1948Name:  20210911_174312.jpg
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  4. #104


    I love those MacArthur pins. I'd rather find history than treasure.

    Here's a different perspective.

    I Pulled Up a GUN While Magnet Fishing Off a Boat

    Today's video is the first of two when @The Michigan Magnet Man and I joined our buddy Captain Theron Hoffman on his boat to magnet fish some hard to reach parts of the Detroit River. I pulled up another GUN while we were out there and got to have an interesting interaction with the police when i turned it in....

  5. #105


    Fascinating videos, as always! On another note, I can't believe what a slob that Detroit Police Officer appeared to be. Things have slid into the pit since I was on the job, 1955 - 1984. Sigh.
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Last edited by Ray1936; September-12-21 at 02:29 PM.

  6. #106


    Quote Originally Posted by Ray1936 View Post
    Fascinating videos, as always! On another note, I can't believe what a slob that Detroit Police Officer appeared to be. Things have slid into the pit since I was on the job, 1955 - 1984. Sigh.
    Very very nice to meet you . i sure would like to talk to you and get some ideas for areas to magnet fish in the river. thank you.

  7. #107


    Quote Originally Posted by MotorCityMagnetFishers View Post
    Very very nice to meet you . i sure would like to talk to you and get some ideas for areas to magnet fish in the river. thank you.
    Well, not likely, since I live in Las Vegas. Unless you wanna try Lake Mead!

  8. #108


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    I love those MacArthur pins. I'd rather find history than treasure.

    Here's a different perspective.

    I Pulled Up a GUN While Magnet Fishing Off a Boat

    You might want to try one of these too. You'll be able to throw that magnet so far, you won't need a boat!

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  9. #109


    [QUOTE=Honky Tonk;615877]You might want to try one of these too. You'll be able to throw that magnet so far, you won't need a boat!

    i have been thinking about trying the energy multipliers but have not yet. maybe ill order some since they are on sale on amazon.

  10. #110


    Here's a different magnet fisher in Michigan who used a kayak to get into the middle of a river. They found an empty safe, a full ammo can and some kind of mortar shell?

    We Hit The Magnet Mother Load, Police Flabbergasted

  11. #111


    Great video, as are all these magnet fishers! Sigh....If I was younger and back in Michigan, I'd get into that hobby in a heart beat. [[Not to mention to these guys.....thank you for cleaning up our waterways a bit!)

  12. #112


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    Here's a different magnet fisher in Michigan who used a kayak to get into the middle of a river. They found an empty safe, a full ammo can and some kind of mortar shell?

    We Hit The Magnet Mother Load, Police Flabbergasted
    Dani is a buddy of mine. he lives in Indiana but travels a lot. the ammo can was caught by Cal lowing from the Youtube Channel Venture Dulow. you can see Cal and his son Xan in several of my videos. all great guys.

  13. #113


    Another of the videos from the boat.

  14. #114


    More Creepy Finds Pulled Out of the Detroit River

    In today's video I'm on the river alone and pulling out more voodoo and creepy finds. This spot just keeps giving up strange things....
    It's probably wise to not open those jars. You never know what's in them.

  15. #115


    Jesus, how I love these tapes! Do keep 'em coming! I think in my younger day I'd jump into that hobby in a heartbeat, but today I'm just as glad to just have a heartbeat.

  16. #116


    Quote Originally Posted by Ray1936 View Post
    Jesus, how I love these tapes! Do keep 'em coming! I think in my younger day I'd jump into that hobby in a heartbeat, but today I'm just as glad to just have a heartbeat.
    We are posting two videos a week now on youtube. if you want to check us out there you can subscribe. our channel is www.youtube.com/c/motorcitymagnetfishers . thank you .

  17. #117

    Default PBS Segment on DPTV

    Two days ago an episode of Great Lakes Now aired on PBS with a Great segment on us and a day back in April we gave away 25 magnet fishing kits to the children that came out to learn how to magnet fish. it was a great day.

  18. #118


    some interesting finds from the John Dingell park in Ecorse.

  19. #119


    Quote Originally Posted by MotorCityMagnetFishers View Post
    ... Two days ago an episode of Great Lakes Now aired on PBS with a Great segment on us and a day back in April we gave away 25 magnet fishing kits to the children that came out to learn how to magnet fish. it was a great day.
    Wow. I had a feeling this hobby would take off but I never thought it would get this much attention this fast.

    Good job!

  20. #120


    Old-Time Gun Found While Magnet Fishing the Detroit River

    Those must be some really old guns judging by the corrosion.

  21. #121


    @MotorCityMagnetFishers, congratulations!

    Imagine if it were possible to somehow divert or drain the river [without any disruptions to people and the environment -- you really have to imagine] and we could all at once see [and remove] all that's been disposed there over time.

    The East River in NYC too.

    Imagine Venice. That might some day be possible, one short stretch of canal at a time.

    Fox Creek?

    Come to think of it, have you or anyone else shot any videos in the East side canals?
    Last edited by bust; October-03-21 at 04:05 PM.

  22. #122


    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    @MotorCityMagnetFishers, congratulations!

    Imagine if it were possible to somehow divert or drain the river [without any disruptions to people and the environment -- you really have to imagine] and we could all at once see [and remove] all that's been disposed there over time.

    The East River in NYC too.

    Imagine Venice. That might some day be possible, one short stretch of canal at a time.

    Fox Creek?

    Come to think of it, have you or anyone else shot any videos in the East side canals?
    Myself and Tanner the Michigan Magnet Man have fished a small portion of the canals. i am trying to find a deal on a flat bottom aluminum boat so that i can start cleaning the canals. i thought of a Kayak but i dont think a Kayak would hold enough junk. unfortunately this is a hobby for us and there is not much monetary gain. the money we do make off youtube and TikTok does not even cover the gas we use to get to different spots. and the loss of a magnet or a rope breaking is all covered out of pocket. im not complaining i truly enjoy cleaning the waters i just wish i could be more efficient.

  23. #123


    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    ...Imagine if it were possible to somehow divert or drain the river [without any disruptions to people and the environment -- you really have to imagine] and we could all at once see [and remove] all that's been disposed there over time....
    Years ago I was surprised to find that HCMA had drained Stony Creek Lake. I don't recall the reason or how often they drain it but it shows that things like this are possible.

    I used to use that lake as an orientation landmark when viewing DTE aerial photos but it didn't work for the earliest one. Then I remembered it's a man-made lake. It didn't exist yet!
    Last edited by Jimaz; October-05-21 at 08:01 AM.

  24. #124


    Whoah! That's no ordinary handgun.

    Possible Murder Weapon????
    Cops Called While Magnet Fishing in the Detroit River
    In today's video, part 2 from the previous, we're back to our favorite spot and we found some questionable items. We called the cops and they came to collect a couple of catches.

  25. #125


    Handcuffs with keys and a large N2O tank. That's a lot of laughing gas!

    Magnet Fishing Jackpot!
    Detroit River is Full of Crazy Finds.
    Today's video is the 3rd part of the fishing trip from our other videos and this one has some crazy finds. Why are there so many restraints thrown in the river???
    Jason, you need another scraper. I wince every time you grab into that fishhook laden gunk. LOL!

    I can understand all the pliers, knives and other fishing related junk and even the handguns but I can't imagine why there would be so many handcuffs down there.
    Last edited by Jimaz; October-17-21 at 01:23 PM.

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