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  1. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    I use this attached to a stainless steel cable,I do the same thing but up to 300’ in the ocean.


    They have a smaller version,a bit pricey but when you attach the cable to them you never lose it and you can tow it behind a boat if you want to go out further,saves a lot of time.
    I have seen some youtube videos of something like this being used in the Detroit river. Were those your videos? this is quite a way out of my price range at the moment. unfortunately we are not big enough on youtube or TikTok yet to be making much money. thank you.

  2. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by MotorCityMagnetFishers View Post
    Thank you very much Ray. hopefully the river thaws soon. it has been a couple weeks since i have been out and would really like to get back to it. make sure if you ever see me you stop and say hi.
    Dunno.....I'm 84 and have retired to Nevada. Chances are slim, but thanks for the invite! And a hearty LOL!

  3. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by MotorCityMagnetFishers View Post
    I have seen some youtube videos of something like this being used in the Detroit river. Were those your videos? this is quite a way out of my price range at the moment. unfortunately we are not big enough on youtube or TikTok yet to be making much money. thank you.
    No I am in the south,gulf coast,I monetize my findings which is more of a hobby.

    I have a 24” circle with 6 of those magnets on and a power winch,it is surprising what is on the ocean floor and rivers.

    I do not know how to swim so I have several retrieval methods,I plucked a boat motor out that I sold for 25,000,other then that it is like metal detecting,a lot of time spent finding nothing.

    That company has a small camera that probably would be more suited for you that is like $200,maybe as a suggestion,if you take thin braided stainless steel cable,secure it to the magnet,wrap it around your cord going through the camera mount and up the rope,it quadruples your pulling strength and it will be hard to lose any of it.

    I like those cameras because you can throw them against a brick wall and they will still work,they can take some serious abuse.

    You are spending quality time with your daughter,that is priceless,the YouTube monetize aspect takes awhile to build up the viewers,some of those guys have been in there for years.

    I chuckled when I saw you retrieve that paint gun cartridge in the video,I must have found thousands of those,I do not know why people have to chuck them into the water.

    I will follow you,best of luck.

  4. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    No I am in the south,gulf coast,I monetize my findings which is more of a hobby.

    I have a 24” circle with 6 of those magnets on and a power winch,it is surprising what is on the ocean floor and rivers.

    I do not know how to swim so I have several retrieval methods,I plucked a boat motor out that I sold for 25,000,other then that it is like metal detecting,a lot of time spent finding nothing.

    That company has a small camera that probably would be more suited for you that is like $200,maybe as a suggestion,if you take thin braided stainless steel cable,secure it to the magnet,wrap it around your cord going through the camera mount and up the rope,it quadruples your pulling strength and it will be hard to lose any of it.

    I like those cameras because you can throw them against a brick wall and they will still work,they can take some serious abuse.

    You are spending quality time with your daughter,that is priceless,the YouTube monetize aspect takes awhile to build up the viewers,some of those guys have been in there for years.

    I chuckled when I saw you retrieve that paint gun cartridge in the video,I must have found thousands of those,I do not know why people have to chuck them into the water.

    I will follow you,best of luck.
    We will hit 1000 subs on youtube this week I believe. We currently have 45,000 on tiktok. I'm not sure what paint gun canister you are referring to. The Whip-it cannisters? Those are used for getting high if that is what you are talking about. I'm really intrigued with this camera you have shown me. People ask me often if I metal detect too and the answer is yes and I get about the same stuff as I do magnet fishing just a lot less....rusty metal.

  5. #30

    Default Rouge Rescue

    We are officially partnered with the Friends of the Rouge for the 2021 Rouge Rescue. We have enlisted the help of almost 20 other magnet fishers through social media to help out this year at the mouth of the Rouge River on April 24th. We are also helping out on May 15th at Rouge Park. We have secured donations for our initiative called "Get the Motor City Magnet Fishing" we have purchased 20 magnet fishing kits and have gotten donations of other accessories for magnet fishing from magnet fishers all around Michigan and some even from Wisconsin. The people that have donated to get this project going are from all over the United States. On May 15th we will be at Rouge Park giving out magnet fishing kits to children between the ages of 5 and 15 to help raise awareness about the pollution and debris in our waterways as well as to do some good and get the kids outside this summer. we have a limited quantity available so it will be one kit per family on a first come first serve basis. The cleanup starts at 9am and we are going to have a great time. For anyone interested in what we are doing check out our YouTube channel www.youtube.com/c/motorcitymagnetfishers. What we do is a lot of fun and a great way to help out our rivers and lakes.

  6. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by MotorCityMagnetFishers View Post
    We are officially partnered with the Friends of the Rouge for the 2021 Rouge Rescue.... On May 15th we will be at Rouge Park giving out magnet fishing kits to children....
    Wow. This is becoming a very constructive pastime! Of course the kids will be warned about safety precautions, right? Wouldn't want them to grab a handful of razor blades!

    Yeah, the Whip-it canisters are for nitrous oxide, laughing gas, used legally for making whipped cream. There are also CO2 cartridges for BB guns, etc.

    I was thinking Detroit would be the best location for this activity considering the amount of metal work done here over the decades.

  7. #32


    You are absolutely correct. the kits we are giving out include gloves and scrapers but we are making up safety fliers to give to each family. we will be giving the kits directly to the parents and talking extensively about the safety aspects of this hobby as well as where not to fish like roads, private property or places with steel walls to ensure the kids do not lose their magnets on their first time out. the last thing i want is to find out a child got pinched fingers, cuts or falls doing this.

  8. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by MotorCityMagnetFishers View Post
    You are absolutely correct. the kits we are giving out include gloves and scrapers but we are making up safety fliers to give to each family. we will be giving the kits directly to the parents and talking extensively about the safety aspects of this hobby as well as where not to fish like roads, private property or places with steel walls to ensure the kids do not lose their magnets on their first time out. the last thing i want is to find out a child got pinched fingers, cuts or falls doing this.

    Or a still working loaded gun. I think it's a great project, it'll open a new world for the kids.

  9. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    Or a still working loaded gun. I think it's a great project, it'll open a new world for the kids.
    That does happen but not as often as most people would think. hopefully their parents will do the right thing if it does.

  10. #35


    Pulling Up Large Finds Out of the Detroit River

    I'm wondering if you'd find more stuff with a really long rope and some kind of machine to launch it waaaay out there.

  11. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post

    Pulling Up Large Finds Out of the Detroit River

    I'm wondering if you'd find more stuff with a really long rope and some kind of machine to launch it waaaay out there.

    That is very possible especially in the Detroit River due to all the history that has fallen through the ice and off boats. i use a 100 foot rope and i can almost throw the magnet that far with my lighter 100 foot rope. with my large orange one i can only get it about 60 feet out. i would rather use a boat to try out farther. too bad i don't own a boat. thank you for posting our most recent video. i really like to see people enjoying what we do.

  12. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by MotorCityMagnetFishers View Post
    ... i would rather use a boat to try out farther.... thank you for posting our most recent video. i really like to see people enjoying what we do.
    You're welcome but thank you for making the videos in the first place.

    I like that you're so calm about the hobby. It's more realistic than those who get way too excited about finding junk. I imagine the attraction is the same intermittent reinforcement that drives people to slot machines. You just never know when it might pay off big. Plus there's the exercise and cleaning up the environment and just getting outdoors in these milder temperatures. What fun!

    I didn't think about a boat. That would be less of a red flag to authorities than a freakin' trebuchet pointed at Canada! LOL!
    Last edited by Jimaz; April-05-21 at 08:09 PM.

  13. #38


    I didn't think about a boat. That would be less of a red flag to authorities than a freakin' trebuchet pointed at Canada! LOL! [/QUOTE]

    That would be a very hard thing to explain to the border security. i dont get as excited about the common things found but a few weeks ago i was live streaming on Youtube and i pulled in a hand gun down in Ecorse....i for some reason was really excited about it....like more than i should have since it was the 6th one i have found so far.

  14. #39


    Horrifying Magnet Fishing Items Pulled From the Detroit River

    It's a stack of steak knives engraved with prayers of some sort. More Santería artifacts?

  15. #40

    Default Thank You.

    It's a stack of steak knives engraved with prayers of some sort. More Santería artifacts?[/QUOTE]

    Thank you for keeping us relevant. this was a weird day on the river. a video prior to this one we pulled out some Cauldrons with other religious items in it. We had a great time Saturday working with friends of the Rouge. we were able to get about 25 Magnet fishers to come from up north, Wisconsin and Indiana to clean the Rouge.

  16. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by MotorCityMagnetFishers View Post
    It's a stack of steak knives engraved with prayers of some sort. More Santería artifacts?
    Quote Originally Posted by MotorCityMagnetFishers View Post
    ThatThank you for keeping us relevant. this was a weird day on the river. a video prior to this one we pulled out some Cauldrons with other religious items in it. We had a great time Saturday working with friends of the Rouge. we were able to get about 25 Magnet fishers to come from up north, Wisconsin and Indiana to clean the Rouge.

    Kudos and Thanks for caring. You've almost got me hooked [ha-ha] into trying this. I need another hobby like I need another bill to pay.
    Last edited by Honky Tonk; April-27-21 at 05:24 AM.

  17. #42


    This hobby can quickly become another bill to pay. it is a great hobby and at the end of the day when all of your muscles are screaming and cramping up you look over at that giant pile of garbage you removed from the river and think.....crap now i have to haul that away....nah just kidding it is a great sense of accomplishment. only problem is once you get a magnet you start looking for another magnet and another and then soon you have nine different magnets for different applications but you still throw the same one over and over because it is your favorite and catches the most.....kinda like regular fishing with lures and poles.

  18. #43


    I'd love to hobby that were I younger. Alas, I'm in Las Vegas, and the only water here is Lake Mead, backed up by Hoover Dam. Only thing in those waters are gamblers who lost their wad. Sigh.

  19. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by Ray1936 View Post
    I'd love to hobby that were I younger. Alas, I'm in Las Vegas, and the only water here is Lake Mead, backed up by Hoover Dam. Only thing in those waters are gamblers who lost their wad. Sigh.
    i would love to magnet fish in any of those places. imagine all the stuff tourists drop at the dam. and Lake mead has so much history there has to be Mob stuff in there.

  20. #45


    I enjoy your videos was inspired by one to check out that spot where you pulled up the cash registers. Interesting area for sure, and severely lacking in legal parking spots.
    I hope you don't mind the friendly criticism: the image you used for your recent Santeria episode was a bit too much. It was interesting enough already without the [misleading] gore.
    All in good fun.
    Last edited by bust; April-30-21 at 07:43 PM.

  21. #46


    I'm Pulling Out HUGE and Festive Objects Out of the Detroit River
    While Magnet Fishing

    What's in the baby food jars?

    I'm hoping you find some old prohibition era whisky bottles. Granted, that's not likely but what a WOW factor that would be!

    How much would collectors pay for that?! {he asked, rhetorically.}
    Last edited by Jimaz; April-30-21 at 09:45 PM.

  22. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    I enjoy your videos was inspired by one to check out that spot where you pulled up the cash registers. Interesting area for sure, and severely lacking in legal parking spots.
    I hope you don't mind the friendly criticism: the image you used for your recent Santeria episode was a bit too much. It was interesting enough already without the [misleading] gore.
    All in good fun.
    that spot where we got the cash register we just had almost 30 people show up to clean that spot. we filled an entire dumpster and pulled a lot of stuff out of the water. we partnered with the friends of the Rouge for their Rouge river cleanup.

    I don't take offense to your criticism and i am very happy you watch and enjoy our videos. thank you.

  23. #48


    we found out the baby food jars are actually some kind of a VooDoo spell jar. we have removed close to 20 of them so far. Old whiskey bottles would be amazing and several of the areas we magnet fish were used during prohibition but unless they are in a steel crate i doubt would possible for us to find.

  24. #49


    i just want to let everyone know that on Saturday May 15th we will be at the John D. Dingell park in Ecorse from 9am to noon by the Memorial. we will be giving away Magnet fishing kits that include Magnet, Rope, Gloves, Scraper, Rope tape, Bucket, Sunglasses, Bag Towel and Hand Sanitizer to the first 25 Families with a child between the ages of 5 and 15. this is our attempt to help raise environmental awareness, tech the children one way to help clean our waterways as well as get the kits up and out this summer after being cooped up so long due to the pandemic. we will have several Magnet fishers there to help the children, interact with the families and to help clean the waters on that part of the Detroit River. we encourage anyone that is a magnet fisher or interested in magnet fishing to come on down and say hello and claim a kit if you have a child that would be interested in cleaning the waterways. we would love to have people taking pictures and sending them to us so we can put them up on our page for the event. we are calling the event "Get the Motor City Magnet Fishing". so anyone interested please come and enjoy what we hope to be a great day.

  25. #50


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