Jason Hargrove Transit Center

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Results 351 to 359 of 359
  1. #351


    Best Magnet Fishing Finds of 2024 Part 2
    This week's video is a compilation of the Best Magnet Fishing Finds of 2024 Part 2. Thank you all for coming along on our weekly adventures. We hope to have an equally impressive 2025. Happy New Year

  2. #352


    Evidence Found Magnet Fishing
    {Is It Enough to Help the Police?}

  3. #353


    Stolen Car Dump Found Magnet Fishing in Toledo

    He found an old film movie camera.

  4. #354


    Gun Found Magnet Fishing in Detroit
    In this week's video Jason goes Magnet Fishing in Toledo and Detroit in very very cold weather. come along and watch Jason battle the snow and ice. Jason will bring you along on the process of turning a gun into the police. We want to thank the Detroit Police 5th Precinct for always being polite, courteous and professional.

  5. #355


    Yet Another Gun Found in Detroit While Magnet Fishing

  6. #356


    If you remove all the guns in the river, the water level will go down by at least a foot.

  7. #357


    Underwater camera footage! The Detroit River looks more clear than I would have expected, maybe because it's winter?

    Beneath The Surface of the Detroit River
    This week Jason is magnet fishing in Detroit and is once again using the underwater camera to give you a view of the bottom of the Detroit River.
    And the pipe that would not die.

  8. #358


    Total duration 38 minutes:

    Magnet Fishing Under The Detroit River
    This week we used the underwater camera again to see what the bottom of the Detroit river looks like a little farther downstream from last weeks video.
    Now that's dedication!

  9. Default

    By the way, drone pilots are allowed to fly over 400ft when next to a tower. Drones can fly as high as 1,000 feet above a tower.

    Thank you for the comment on my video though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    This isn't the best season for this activity but has anyone ever tried this?

    I've seen quite a few videos about this subject in other locations and they usually just find junk but there's always the possibility of finding some interesting or valuable historical artifact.

    This is the first time I've seen someone attach a video camera to the rope to see what's near the magnet. A light might help too. The water is surprisingly clear until the mud is disturbed. Grappling hooks are sometimes used to retrieve nonferrous objects. Gloves are necessary. A crowbar might help.

    Magnet Fishing in Downtown Detroit

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